2020 GOP nomination

Don't Trust Republicans Just Because They Oppose Trump... They're Still Republicans, Including Bill Weld

Not a hero, not then, not now, not ever-- just a right-wing kookTucker Carlson, Max Boot and Bill Kristol... what comes to mind? Conservative Republicans, right? Stop there. Don't over-think it. That's the answer. No, "buts" about how Boot and Kristol are anti-Trump. Glad they are, but it doesn't matter about who they are and what their advice on anything other than-- very precisely-- Trump's odiousness, means.

The Real State Of The Union-- Most Americans Hope Trump Dies Tonight

State of the Union Poster by Chip ProserNone of those new polls that came out yesterday looked good for Trump-- nor for his congressional enablers. In fact, the CNN poll found that nearly 7 in 10 voters say the federal government is doing a bad job of governing, including 43% who say it’s the worst job of governing in their lifetimes.

Trump On Kasich: "Digusting"

According to Harry Enten Trump is adored by the Republican base and their adoration is increasing. His job approval rating among Republicans is 85%. Trump, in fact, has a higher approval rating among Republicans than Obama did among Democrats just before the 2012 New Hampshire primary. "That's probably "why there aren't any potential challengers being named who really have too much of a future in the Republican Party. The biggest name is Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

People Who Tell You Trump Can Win Reelection In 2020 Are Using Some Very Powerful Drugs-- Get Some

The Tiki Torch Leader by Hugh BrownIn his Wall Street Journal column yesterday, Steve Bannon’s Motley Crew of Challengers-- One is fresh out of prison. Another held a town hall to discuss ‘chemtrail’ theories, Karl Rove basically said the Republican establishment is fine fighting a war against Bannon's brand of fascism: Bring It On, Asshole!

Trump Is Likely To Go Crazy At The Debate Sunday

Trump doesn't necessarily believe in anything except Donald J. Trump. The world revolves around him and anything he might say at any given moment is simply a negotiating point. Republicans are already talking about how to clean up the party after he's crushed next month-- and who the 2020 nominee against Hillary will be. A Morning Consult poll released today, which surveyed GOP voters after the VP debate, shows Pence has made himself a top contender for the post-Trump GOP nomination.