Ted Cruz Urges Supreme Court to Take Pennsylvania Election Case
21WIRE + The Hill | Will they be able to throw out hundreds of thousands of illegal votes in time?
21WIRE + The Hill | Will they be able to throw out hundreds of thousands of illegal votes in time?
21WIRE | “In your state, a lot of the fraud had to do with the mail-in system as it did in other places.”
Sky News | An 87-page document examines the real conflicts of interest in foreign business by the Biden family during the Obama administration.
Some of my recent pieces took bits from the massive three hour hearing before the GOP legislators of Pennsylvania to describe the fraud that took place in that state and others, artificially “creating” a win for Joe Biden. There is so much information pointing to fraud that the only real problem these days is that […]
SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
Cotto-Gottfried | A full summary of the election fraud landscape.
21WIRE | State officials have temporarily prohibited any certification of their election results, pending an appellate court hearing.
The Gaggle | An in-depth look into all of Trump's remaining, viable paths going forward.
John Anderson Direct | What just happened in America? Will the country swing hard Left with Biden, or will Trump's movement continue.
21WIRE | Former US President lashes out at Hispanics for being 'backward' in their support for Trump in 2020.