Indiana intends to prohibit applying dicamba after June 20
Continuing complaints about dicamba herbicide drift in soybean applications lead to this decision
Continuing complaints about dicamba herbicide drift in soybean applications lead to this decision
Jennifer Doudna says moratorium is not strong enough
Potential loopholes could allow farmers to use more pesticides on crops than EU regulations permit
Emails between two senior executives and a journalist show discussions aimed at giving Bayer a voice in press foundation initiatives
VIB falsely claims that individual academic supporters for de-regulation of gene editing represent their entire institutes
New review calls for controlled studies examining effects of equivalent organic and non-organic wholefood diets
Amazon is being rapidly destroyed to allow expansion of GM soy cultivation
Case represents Canada's largest class-action lawsuit against manufacturers of glyphosate herbicide
VIB falsely claims that individual academic supporters for de-regulation of gene editing represent their institutes as a whole
MEPs criticised the Commission for continuing to authorise GMOs, in spite of lack of support from member states and objections from the Parliament