Is meatless meat really better for your health and the planet?
"This has nothing to do with trying to solve the problems of our food system" – Jim Thomas, ETC Group
"This has nothing to do with trying to solve the problems of our food system" – Jim Thomas, ETC Group
Maine Senate President Troy Jackson led a bill to ban “aerial herbicide spraying for the purpose of deforestation”
The agri-chemical giant has a history of using shady tactics to attack critics and influence the media
Several French mayors have issued anti-pesticide orders out of precaution
Monsanto brought immense resources to bear in pressuring the US government to disregard IARC’s alarming conclusions about glyphosate's safety
Dicamba is used mostly on GM soybean and cotton crops
Caution needed to prevent accidental GM salmon production in ocean net-pens
Many research projects will cause suffering without delivering claimed benefits
Decision on a legal challenge of three non-governmental organisations against approval of a soybeans from Monsanto/Bayer