United States - The precautionary principle to deal with GM animals?
In the US, genetic modifications of an animal genome fall within the legal category of "new animal drugs"
In the US, genetic modifications of an animal genome fall within the legal category of "new animal drugs"
The National Academy of Sciences has got itself into deep water by promoting eugenics. Report by Pete Shanks, Center for Genetics and Society
How one African community is fighting genetically modified mosquitoes
Book explains the threat to food safety and environment posed by gene-edited GMOs
The question of off-target effects should not be ignored in debates about CRISPR gene editing – professor
The National Academy of Sciences has got itself into deep water by promoting eugenics. Report by Pete Shanks, Center for Genetics and Society
British negotiators keen to jettison EU restrictions on GMO foods – a key demand of US trade negotiators
New study suggests organic apples may be better for gut health
Tesco and M&S likely to have soy linked to deforestation in supply chains