2018 gubernatorial races

How Long Did Ron DeSantis Affair With Nicolás Maduro Last?

Ron DeSantis-- not a brain surgeonBecause the Egyptian dynasties were all inbred-- the only suitable woman to bear a pharoah's child was his sister or half sister-- most pharaohs were far from the sharpest knives in the draw. The Egyptian dynasties didn't last long. The admissions officer at the Wharton School of Business and Finance, had been a friend of Trump's brother and he allowed Trump, a mediocre student (at best), to transfer from Fordham.

Have You Voted Today?

Hundreds of thousands of dollars-- certainly well over a million by this morning-- have gushed into the FL-09 Democratic primary from conservative billionaires-- primary from the Murdoch family and assorted Wall Street banksters. The money is laundered through a network of slimy SuperPACs controlled by Nancy Jacobson's No Labels and has gone entirely to smear progressive icon Alan Grayson. The goal is to keep conservative New Dem, Darren Soto, in Congress. Why? Watch the video up top? That's the big prize for No Labels and their financiers... phasing out Social Security and Medicare.

Top GOP Donor/Crackpot Defeated Hours After Trump Endorses Him

Yesterday's kiss of death-- in Wyoming!The two states that bought into Trump's bullshit the most fully in 2016 were West Virginia and Wyoming-- 68.5% of West Virginia voters and 67.4% of Wyoming voters. Both are big coal mining states. Hillary did worse in Wyoming-- 21.63%-- than anywhere else. Teton was the only county in the state she won-- and none of the others were close.

Across The Board, Yesterday's Primary Turnout Was Catastrophic For The GOP

A great night for progressives and reformers Yesterday Nate Silver said that "In races where insurgent, progressive Democrats are running against party-backed nominees ... the establishment Democrat is winning 89% of the time." If not so sure about definitions that make that even remotely true. And it certainly wasn't true last night. I'll give you two examples.

Trump Wants Kobach-- Establishment Republicans Want Cold Compresses

I woke up yesterday and took a look at look at a funny little post in Axios by Jonathan Swan, "Behind the scenes: Trump's power politics," about Señor Trumpanzee big-footing all over the GOP midterms. He always has to make them all about him-- even when that is a detriment. The first segment was about screwed up the OH-12 race. "Trump," wrote Swan, "thinks it's fun to have a stake in these elections, according to sources familiar with his thinking.

Tennessee Shows That GOP Zombies Won't Vote For Anyone Unless Trump Explicitly Endorses

These 2 probably hurt Black's chancesAccording to the Trump Affinity tracker House Budget Committee chair and far right extremist Diane Black (R-TN) scores a 93.2%. The times she didn't vote with Trump it because she supported a position that was more right-wing and more extreme than his, like when she opposed raising the debt limit to extend government funding for victims of Hurricane Harvey last year.