2018 congressional races

When Republicans Like Bruce Poliquin Have No Issues Anyone Likes, They Attack... Tattoos

It was embarrassing for Congressman Bruce Poliquin (R) when Maine's Republican senior Senator, Susan Collins, decided to stand up to DC party leaders who wanted to destroy MaineCare (the local version of Medicaid). Poliquin voted "yes" and Collins voted "no." It failed and Mainers were grateful that Collins had the balls Poliquin lacks.

Good Candidates/Bad Candidates... It's Not Like Throwing Darts At A Wall Of Candidates' Photos

Another cue that someone's likely to be goodI graduated college and went to live overseas-- actually I just went for a summer vacation but stayed for almost 7 years-- traveling and living in various places in Europe, Africa and Asia.Once Nixon was removed I came home and eventually washed up in San Francisco and had to get a job in the real world, something I had never experienced. Previously I had worked as a smuggler and then in a meditation center.

Republicans Begin Picking Incumbents And Challengers To Toss Overboard

The governing philosophy of the DCCC-- which just has to change-- is that the Democratic Party can only be the lesser of two evils. Anything better than that will alienate the powerful Republican wing of the party (the Blue Dogs, New Dems, "ex"-Republicans and fellow travelers). So the congressional party stands for... not much. Earlier you may have seen the meme up top that Ro Khanna posted.

Are Millennial Voters The Keys To The Kingdom In November?

Do you know who the "Millennials" are, aside from "those kids?" At first they were called "Gen Y." and it's debatable about when they started being born and when people started being born into "Gen Z." But generally, Millennials started in the early '80s 'til around 2000. They're the children of the Baby Boomers, my generation. They tend to be more liberal though-- and more familiar with digital technologies.

Have You Voted Today?

Hundreds of thousands of dollars-- certainly well over a million by this morning-- have gushed into the FL-09 Democratic primary from conservative billionaires-- primary from the Murdoch family and assorted Wall Street banksters. The money is laundered through a network of slimy SuperPACs controlled by Nancy Jacobson's No Labels and has gone entirely to smear progressive icon Alan Grayson. The goal is to keep conservative New Dem, Darren Soto, in Congress. Why? Watch the video up top? That's the big prize for No Labels and their financiers... phasing out Social Security and Medicare.