2018 congressional races

How Badly Will Trump Hurt The GOP In November? They Deserve The Worst

Over the weekend, the New York Times published an OpEd by Peter Wehner, The Full-Spectrum Corruption of Donald Trump. "There’s never been any confusion about the character defects of Donald Trump," Wehner, a former Reagan and Bush staffer and senior fellow at the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center began.

I Wonder If Trump's Lawyers Have Explained What Obstruction Of Justice Is

What Would Freud Do? by Nancy OhanianEveryone's been waiting for Señor Trumpanzee to claim ignorance of Michael Cohen. "Michael who?" "Ice cream cone?" I barely kew the guy." So, true to form, yesterday he told the brain-dead crew at Fox & Friends that Cohen "worked more or less" as a "part time" employee... a lawyer for me, one of many.

Brand New Randy Bryce Video... I Think

Holy Jesus! (And if you know me, you know how respectfully I mean that.) I just watched the new Randy Bryce video. I've never seen a campaign video anything like it. There's not even a photo-- let a lone a mention-- of Bryce or a clue it's a campaign video until about 3:20 minutes into this 3:54 minute video. In fact, I don't think Bryce's name is never mentioned. I guess this is the closest this tragic poem about the opioid crisis comes:

Today's OTHER Republican Indictment-- Right Here In California

Duncan Hunter (on the left)I didn't want to let all today's wild hubbub over the two close Trump cronies-- ex-campaign manager and likely conduit between Trump and the Russians, Paul Manafort, and long-time Trump bagman, Michael Cohen-- to cause everyone to overlook the indictments of San Diego area congressman Duncan Hunter, Jr.

OH-01: Pure(val) Lesser Of Two Evils Politics

There's been a lot of silly talk by click-hungry pundits about how there's no blue wave coming. Unless, they're smart enough-- and they're not-- to be explain that there's no blue wave because it's actually an "anti-red wave," just ignore them and they'll slither back under their rocks. Ask a Republican incumbent if they feel a wave coming.