2016 presidential campaign

FBI Documents Hint at Israeli Collusion with 2016 Trump Campaign

Menifee, CA (IAK) — Newly released FBI documents suggest that Israeli government officials were in contact with the 2016 Trump presidential campaign and offered “critical intel.”
In one of the extensively redacted documents, an official who appears to be an Israeli minister warns that Trump was “going to be defeated unless we intervene.” He goes on to tell a Trump campaign official: “The key is in your hands.”

Porkins Policy Radio episode 72 Member South Park Season 20 with Emma Redmond

Today I am joined by my sister Emma to discuss and dissect season 20 of South Park. We begin by explaining what transpired this season: Mr. Garrison becoming President, Cartman falling love, gender wars, and the dangers of internet trolling. We begin by talking about the “Member Berries” and their devious plot to use the power of nostalgia to elect the Trump like Mr. Garrison. Emma and I discuss the power that nostalgia can have on ones psyche, and how we are constantly manipulated into following certain trends because of it.

Pearse Redmond on Disney and The CIA – Our Interesting Times podcast

From Our Interesting Times:
Pearse Redmond of Porkins Policy Review returns to the show to discuss the 2016 Presidential race and his research regarding the Disney Corporation’s ties to the CIA. We talk about the assistance Disney received from Langley in building Disney World and the Magic Kingdom’s other connections to the intelligence community.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 51 A Very Heavy Agenda Part 3 with Robbie Martin

We are joined once again by our good friend Robbie Martin to discuss the final part of the film trilogy “A Very Heavy Agenda.” Robbie and I begin by discussing the film series as a whole, and its overarching themes. We then move on to how the neocons operate within the larger deep-state apparatus, touching on how the neocons are able to influence and control the foreign policy agenda through the use of only a handful of experts and policy makers.