2016 election

Hillary Blames Everyone for Losing to Trump in Her First Post-Election TV Interview

(ANTIMEDIA) – Ten months after her stunning loss in the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton is back in the limelight. And she’s not holding back. Her new book, What Happened, hits bookstores nationwide this week, and she will be promoting it — and her impassioned belief that American democracy is in great peril — with a 15 city live tour.

Revealed: Loretta Lynch Given Talking Points for Secret Clinton ‘Tarmac Meeting’

21st Century Wire says…
Clearly, below the surface of current events, the 2016 election process is still ongoing, and a partisan war is going on for control of the White House. This latest news could very well be used as a bargaining chip by Trump’s faction behind the scenes.
Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch claims her secret meeting with Bill Clinton was about “golf and grand kids.”

Buchanan on Trump: After the Coup, What Then?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

That the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable.
As President Donald Trump flew off for August at his Jersey club, there came word that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III had impaneled a grand jury and subpoenas were going out to Trump family and campaign associates.
The jurors will be drawn from a pool of citizens in a city Hillary Clinton swept with 91 percent of the vote. Trump got 4 percent.

Does CNN Really Have a ‘Cosmopolitan Bias’?

21st Century Wire says…
The war between the White House and CNN continued this week.
During a recent White House press briefing for Trump’s new immigration restriction bill, the RAISE Act, White House adviser Stephen Miller suddenly locked horns with embattled CNN political correspondent Jim Acosta, accusing Acosta and his network of displaying “cosmopolitan bias.”

Porkins Policy Radio episode 97 The Decline of Leaking: From Chelsea Manning to Reality Winner

Tom Secker and Robbie Martin join me for a very wide ranging discussion on everything from Reality Winner to Dennis Rodman. Tom and I start off the conversation by talking about the Wikileaks Twitter account tweeting about our issue on The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. We talk about the obvious divide right now between Assange and Wikileaks not just in terms of Twitter, but in terms of their media strategy. The three of us then dive into the bizarre case of NSA leaker Reality Winner. We theorize as to whether she is a true leaker, or a truly disgruntled employee.

Hillary Just Took ‘Absolute Responsibilty’ for Losing the 2016 Election… Well, Kinda

(ANTIMEDIA) It’s been a long time since we saw Hillary Clinton’s face in the news consistently. A lot of people assumed — and a lot Democrats hoped — that Clinton would stay in hiding. Unfortunately for almost everybody, she appeared back in the spotlight on Tuesday. Clinton gave an interview to CNN‘s Christiane Amanpour at a women’s conference in New York.

Fake News: The Unravelling of US Empire From Within

Setting the Stage of the Press-President War.
US ruling ideology and Washington power have become unstuck as never before. A war of opposing certitudes and denunciations is waged day to day between the long-ruling US corporate media and the White House. Both continuously proclaim ringing recriminations of the other’s ‘fake news’. Over months they both portray each other as malevolent liars.

‘A DELIRIUM IS SPREADING’ – The Left’s Great Russian Conspiracy Theory

“The very people who for years talked about the problem of conspiracy theories have become the keenest spreaders of conspiracy theories. The people who spent the past few months banging on about the ‘post-truth’ politics of Brexit and Trump have shown they don’t have the first clue what truth is. The people who posed as champions of logic have revealed themselves as peddlers of paranoia…”