2016 election

Russia-WikiLeaks Conspiracy Theory: “Clinton claim ridiculous, based on lazy US Twitter culture”

21st Century Wire says…
As 21WIRE reported earlier, since this past summer Washington and its media surrogates have been seeding the news cycle with the talking point that Russia was responsible for the DC Leaks and WikiLeaks document dumps, and that Russia is somehow trying to ‘hack’ the US elections. 

SOPA False Flag? Alleged ‘Hack’ on Netflix, Twitter, Amazon – US ready to blame Russia

Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire

Yesterday, a wave of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks hit some of the top online companies websites including Amazon, Netflix, Twitter and Reddit. One cannot rule out the very real possibility that this a staged-managed event, especially when you consider The New York Times was listed among those affected. If recent US media and political themes are anything to go by, you can expect a cascading chorus of blame directed at Russia.