2014 congressional races

Guest Post By Mikel Weisser, A Progressive Running In Arizona's Back Country

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Cliven Bundy and crackpot state Senator Kelli Ward (R-AZ)Let me introduce you to a new name, a new candidate you probably never heard of, not even if you're live in the district he's running in, AZ-04, Arizona's reddest (R+20) district-- Prescott and almost everything between Phoenix and California. The Democrat taking on right-wing ideologue Paul Gosar this year is Mikel Weisser. He's not going to win in 7 days.

In Case You Don't See Today's L.A. Times...

This is the full page ad Blue America is running today in The Times, a response to over half a million dollars of garbage ads Sheldon Adelson and his family and cronies have thrown into CA-33 against Ted Lieu and on behalf of a random Republican they're running.If you'd like to help Ted's Get Out The Vote efforts, you can do that here. If you'd like to help Blue America re-run the ad on Monday... you can do that here. More important than either action-- vote next Tuesday...

Conservative Victories Next Week Mean More Power To The Banksters-- More Watering Down Of Dodd-Frank

This week, Paul Ryan has been pushing a new GOP talking point about how Dodd Frank is to the banking system what Obamacare is for the healthcare system. In other words, he's way on board with Wall Street whore and House Financial Services Committee chair Jeb Hensarling in wanting to repeal or dismantle the consumer (and societal) protections, as weak as they were, in Dodd Frank.

One Week From Today

Things can only get better for the Democrats after this asshole steps downOne week from today is election day. Are you counting down? The Blue America strategy has been to see if we could elect some solid progressives to Congress. Once Pelosi reappointed Steve Israel to the DCCC, it was immediately obvious that the Democrats would have ZERO chance to take back the House.

The House Republican Extremists And Ebola

Tea Party extremist Frank Guinta voted to cut the Center for Disease Control budget-- and now he's whining about inadequate response to ebolaOn February 19, 2011 the Republican Party decided to cut funding for the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 2011. Although Ron Paul didn't vote that day, only 3 Republicans recognized the folly of what the House Republicans were doing: John Campbell (R-CA), Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Walter Jones (R-NC).

Fred Upton Cancels The One Debate He Had Agreed To With Paul Clements-- And It Wasn't Even About A Fan

Fred Upton only agreed, reluctantly, to one debate— and only after Paul Clements started gaining tremendous traction in the southwest Michigan 6th congressional district. Upton, an heir to the Whirlpool fortune that once— but no longer— was the biggest employer in the area, doesn’t like being questioned or reminded of his record. Shipping all those Whirlpool jobs— i.e., Republican-backed “outsourcing”— doesn’t go over well with his constituents.Western Michigan along the 94 in towns from Three Oaks, New Buffalo, Sawyer up through Benton Harbor and St.

Raising The Minimum Wage Is A Potent Electoral Issue-- For Those Who Use It

PPP polled minimum wage as an issue in half a dozen battleground states with heavily-contested state-wide races, Iowa, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Illinois, Kentucky and Louisiana. Support for increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 was strong across the board, ranging from 61% in Illinois to 53% in Wisconsin. Opposition was strongest in Wisconsin, but still weak at just 39%.

If You Want Change... You Gotta Back It Up

It's just two and a half weeks 'til election day.If someone feeds you a line about the Democrats taking back the House, you're talking with a dishonest huckster or someone steeped in ignorance. The House Democrats' sealed their fate when-- in the light of their 2012 disaster-- they allowed Pelosi to reappoint Steve Israel to chair the DCCC.