What Have They Done to Our Food?

“They” in my title refers to the major players in our food system. First is Big Ag—Monsanto and Dow being prominent—and those industrial farms that use Big Ag’s products. Second are large food corporations—General Mills and the like—who churn out processed foods and store their goods in warehouses before moving them to market. Third are those who breed and raise the livestock we eat. Fourth are those who import food from overseas.

Anchorman 2 Review & The Politics of Will Ferrell: Red Ice Insight

Published on Jul 16, 2014 Red Ice Creations: Henrik and Lana analyze the propaganda found within the movie Anchorman 2. They’ll also examine the actor Will Ferrell, his double standards, and his Funny or Die posse that includes producer Judd Apatow and writer/producer Adam McKay. What is the purpose behind the progressive’s politically correct agenda pushed in Hollywood entertainment? What […]