
“Bankers on the DANCE FLOOR” (FIAT CLAP MIX) – NEW EDM Cringecore Single Dropped! -Jay Dyer

My latest cringe core single to drop is a previously unreleased 1995 club hit in Slovenia when I went under the monicker “Freedumb Williams.” When I left SNAP and subsequently split from LaBouche, I had my own hit single about the CEOs and banking elite. This previously unreleased club mix is now topping the EuroDance […]

Batman, The Saint & Willow! Val Kilmer Triple Feature – Jay Dyer

The Val Triple Feature! Two classics and one stink bomb. We will cover the Lord of the Rings….I mean Willow, the Val Batman, Batman Forever and one of my personal favorites, the ridiculously over the top anti-Russian propaganda film, The Saint, where Val plays the many goofus characters of Simon Templar. LIVE at 7PM EST 

Uncle’s New Year’s Revolution 2019, Utp#120

From UncleThePodcast.com
Uncle’s New Year’s Revolution was recorded live on New Year’s Eve, Dec 31st 2018. As promised the show lasted a full four hours as Uncle, Aaron, Chuck and many guests and callers rang in the New Year Across all three time zones in the Continental US. If you didn’t get a chance to listen live, now you can listen to the show here in podcast form.

JaysAnalysis: Nina Kouprianova on Espionage & Geopolitical Tensions (Half)

Nina Kouprianova is an independent analyst of geopolitics and culture. She earned her PhD (History) from the University of Toronto, focusing on modern and contemporary Russia, culture, and U.S. foreign policy. In this interview we discuss her translations and articles found at Espionage History Archive, Soul of the East and on her own blog, NinaByzantina. Critical of the leftist tyranny in modern academia, Nina tells us about her experiences in the West, as well as her upbringing in Russia.