Fatalities From COVID-19 Vaccines Near 300,000, Says Peer-Reviewed Study

by Jake Welch, The National Pulse: The total number of nationwide deaths directly caused by the COVID-19 vaccine may be as high as almost 300,000, according to a study published in the peer-reviewed Science, Public Health Policy & the Law journal. The study, conducted by Dr. Mark Skidmore, was initially suppressed and redacted earlier this year due to the nature of its […]

Nuclear Waste From Fukushima to be Dumped into the Sea

Waste water produced by the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident will be dumped into the sea, the head of TEPCO – the Japanese company responsible for cleaning up the mess – says. As you can imagine, fishermen and environmentalists are spitting mad. [1]
The Pacific Ocean will become home to about 580 barrels of water tainted with tritium, a radioactive form of hydrogen, which was used to cool the nuclear power plant’s damaged reactors. That’s nearly 770,000 tons of waste.