Two Sides Of Same Coin: EU Bait For Luring Ukraine Into NATO

November 12, 2013
Ohryzko: Association with EU to entail Ukraine’s rapprochement with NATO
The association of Ukraine with the European Union will entail rapprochement with the NATO, ex-foreign minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Ohryzko said in comments to a ForUm correspondent.
“They are two sides of the same coin. Association with the EU and accession to the NATO is the one way to strengthen the civilizational choice. If you look at our Western [?] partners, who were under the Communist yoke, you will see that 99% of them now are members of both the EU and the NATO. Those who want to break the European and Euro-Atlantic integration, do not understand that this is one process,” he said.
Ohryzko said that “cooperation with the NATO means not only military affairs but also the political issues, which Ukraine needs today”.
