U.S. Marine Corps Marks 238th Anniversary In Georgia

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
November 10, 2013
US Marines’ Jubilee

US Marines celebrate its 238th anniversary. The solemn ceremony was marked at the South Vaziani military base “Algeti 2”. Director of “Georgian Food Company” LTD, Giorgi Rogava congratulated the Marines on the jubilee with birthday cake.
US Marines expressed their gratitude to the Director of the “Georgian Food Company” LTD and awarded 12 workers of the mess hall located at the base “Algeti 2” with certificates. On behalf of the company, Director Giorgi Rogava also granted the mess hall workers appreciation diplomas today.
November 11, 2013
NATO Expert Group for military education visits Baku
A NATO expert group on military education is visiting Baku.
APA reports quoting Defense Ministry, the visit aims to provide assistance to several spheres of military education system of Azerbaijan Armed Forces.
They will discuss personnel training and military education and draft proposals. The visit will end on November 14.
NATO and US experts visit Azerbaijan once a year to discuss cooperation in military education and provide further assistance.
