Thermoform (TM) Masked al-Nusra fighters harrass Syrian civilians

Just three pictures. So interesting. The masked fighters aka hired killers/mercs Nationalities and identity obscured.So convenient for controlling and promoting a specific narrative and obfuscating of fact & reality Fighters from the Islamist  (not) Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra search civilians at the Karaj al-Hajez crossing, a passageway separating Aleppo's Bustan al-Qasr, which is under the rebels' control, and Al-Masharqa neighbourhoodsA fighter from the Islamist   (not) Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra searches a boy at the Karaj al-Hajez crossing, a passageway separating Aleppo's Bustan al-Qasr, which is under the rebels' control, and Al-Masharqa neighbourhoods, Keeping in mind a subject that has been discussed here so many time- foreign fightersWill Obama send (more) Americans to Syria?- Are those Americans behind those masks?Maybe the Brits are behind those masks? 

The number of British Islamists who have gone to Syria to fight in the war there is in the "low hundreds", a senior UK intelligence official says.

Thermoform brand/make ? Curious? It's good  for the terrorists mercs, that they are dressed warmly, for their jobs.One wonders who is providing this clothing for them?
