First, a quick follow up to the incident that I endured yesterday from a coworker who stupidly showed up at my office wearing a mask.. .He called this morning wanting my assistance with a trouble and I flat out refused and said that he can call someone else for support.... Obviously he did not like what I said, and did not even have the brains to realize that when you 'flip the bird' at me, you are toast unless you are quick to apologize... Obviously he does still believe that he is 'in the right' and will continue to have his brain cells destroyed by CO2 poisoning by stupidly wearing a face diaper... And honestly I do not give a fuck that he is this stupid!Anyways... The last Vernon Coleman video that I had up from the weekend was of course taken down by the fuckers over at "Youtube".... But Vernon Coleman is very persistent, and with his issuing videos twice a week on Sundays and Wednesdays, I am continuing here to post them when they become available...Therefore, I do want to present Vernon Coleman's newest video, entitled: "Is This Fraud Ever Going To End?" right here for everyone to see for themselves... I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: I too have seen such a staggering number of NEW morons out there right here in central Canada wearing those fucking face diapers.... Apparently the brainwashing and propaganda is so persuasive now that those with limited intelligence and NO critical thinking skills have now succumbed to their madness..And of course right here in Manitoba, the local criminal provincial government just announced that students returning to 'schools' this coming September must wear face fucking diapers when they are in class and anywhere in the school environs... That to me is not only indoctrination but sheer madness...Vernon Coleman is right about this madness and I too have to ask when the fuck this fraud will ever end? Obviously the programming and brainwashing will continue until they demand that we all be stupid enough to have their gawd damn vaccines injected into our bodies.... That too is coming.....This is a war... And right now we that see the madness and the fraud are losing due to the incessant brainwashing and manipulation of the sheep out there.... We can hope that eventually more people finally say 'enough' and begin to actually turn off the brainwashing garbage and actually THINK....More to comeNTS