Interview: U.S., NATO Show Utter Disregard For Afghan Sovereignty

Press TV
November 3, 2013
US repeatedly ignored Afghan sovereignty, murdered scores of civilians
An American political commentator says American and NATO forces in Afghanistan have repeatedly ignored the country’s sovereignty and have murdered scores of civilians with murderous raids.
Rick Rozoff, manager of the “Stop NATO” network said the US and its NATO allies have “repeatedly and at times savagely, shown their utter disregard for the national sovereignty of the Afghan nation.”
“They have conducted murderous raids and bombings that have targeted in many instances Afghan civilians,” Rozoff said.
“The very integrity of Afghanistan as a nation state is threatened by the continued military occupation of the country by the US and its allies,” he added.
The United States is pressing Afghanistan to sign a security pact which would allow US troops to stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014.
However, a group of Afghan lawmakers have expressed opposition to such an agreement between Kabul and Washington, saying the deal will cause more bloodshed in Afghanistan.
On October 11, US Secretary of State John Kerry traveled to Afghanistan and held talks with Karzai over the unsolved issues in the security deal.
The most outstanding issue is the US demand for legal immunity for American soldiers who will stay in Afghanistan beyond the 2014 withdrawal deadline, said spokesman for the Afghan president, Aimal Faizi.
Rozoff said that Afghanistan and other countries in the region must demand the complete withdrawal of US and foreign forces from Afghanistan.
The military invasion and occupation of Afghanistan by the US and its NATO allies is now in its thirteenth year.
