Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

Now they need that money in order to have the post office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots... Now, if we don't make a deal, that means they don't get the money. That means they can't have universal mail-in voting. They just can't have it.

Your guess: Is the above quote from Joseph Stalin or Donald Trump? (Answer below)Sure, the Repugs will tell you that mail-in voting is bad, bad, evil. Even the ones that vote by mail themselves will tell you that. Especially them! They'll scream it from the rooftops. They're on TV 24 hours a day now, screaming their message. Of course, all it is is the fact that voting by mail is fine for them. They just don't want YOU to vote by mail and in effect, because of the pandemic they've had such a hand in spreading, voting at all. Not to mention the extensive voting suppression measures republicans have put in place. Trump himself said that if everyone voted by mail, the Repug Party would never win anything. So? What's so wrong with that? Democracy baby! Democracy! Republicans are also scared of polling numbers that show far more democrats wanting to vote with a mail-in ballot than risk their lives and the lives of family members by standing in line next to maskless repugs. The latest Monmouth Law poll shows that 81% of those who want to vote by mail intend to vote for democrats whereas somewhat under 20% want to vote for Republicans.As time passes and Trump gets even more desperate and crazy, he is getting even more out in the open about saving his job, his future, and his perverted vision for what's left of America and its ideals. He wants no money going to the U.S. Post Office if it's going to make it easier for people to vote. He's terrified that they might vote against him and he just doesn't have it all set up and fixed like Russia, Belarus, North Korea, and other totalitarian dictatorships do. Trump's vision is led by the fact that he envies those places where the strongman wins with 90%+ of the vote and those remaining 9% just seem to disappear into a river or an unmarked grave in the same dump where bales of uncounted ballots are "stored." 90%+! Now, that's what Trump calls the approval which he craves! That's what Republicans call good government, nudge nudge, wink wink! Of course, even with 90%+ approval, Trump's bloated ego would be so aggrieved that he would whine about those who didn't vote for him long after he had them dispensed with.How would a Republican respond to tonight's meme? Among other responses, they'd blurt out something about people not sending out as many Christmas cards as they used to. That's true. Sales of Christmas cards are down 43% since 2001 but the thing is, approximately 1.6 BILLION have been purchased in each of the last couple of years and 1.3 BILLION were still mailed each year. The postal service handles them just fine so there should be no problem in handling mail-in ballots. I'm sure repugs are happy about that. Christmas, Jesus, and all that. They want their precious Christmas cards getting to the recipient on time and they do as long as the sender doesn't wait until the last few days. 1.3 BILLION of 'em! Now, the same assclowns are telling us that the post office can't handle 100 Million ballots on time or at all? Less than 10% of the number of Christmas cards? Fuzzy republican math, I guess.The quote above came from Trump of course, our president who dreams of being Stalin. He's being so bold about messing with the election that he's now just letting his thoughts rip right out in the open and admitting his plan. Being a complete psychopath, he is eager to hold the election hostage, not only because he wants to control it but because he relishes the idea of impoverished Americans being thrown into the streets for lack of what republicans view as $600 welfare checks and other measures to offset the ravages of the coronavirus plague that they have deliberately worsened and continue to worsen, perhaps for this very reason. I mean, we all know how the Republican mind works. What Trump is doing here is a prime example of that. But, think about this: If what we hear from him are the only thoughts he's comfortable with revealing, what are the ones he is not? It is likely that only his confidants such as his family, Hannity, Carlson, Moscow Mitch, and closest staff know what else lurks in that fetid orange cesspool of a brain, but, we can certainly conjecture.As a bonus, here's Trump Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow's admission:

So much of the democratic asks are really liberal wishlists we don't want to have--voting rights aid to aliens, and so forth. That's not our game.

Yep, Larry! Can't go having those pesky voting rights now, can we Larry. Jesus Christ! Move this assclown to the front of the guilotine line! Why should he have to wait as long as citizens who want to vote?