Taking A Look At US Democratic (Communist) Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris

I do get a LOT of personal emails, and comments from readers requesting that I do not publish their comments, concerning so many issues and always asking me "Hey NTS.. What do you think of this?" , and many of course always ask me for my own 'two cents worth' of opinion on so many subjects...Well, some actually wanted my opinion and what I thought of creepy Joe Biden's choice for "Vice President", none other than "Kamala Harris"..... I will state it here that I am Canadian and thus I am looking at US politics and the political circus leading up to the US November "selections" as an outsider.....We in Canada already have our own problems of course with criminal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who continues to make this country a laughing stock around the world thanks to his serious corruption and horrible policies as leader of this formerly free nation called Canada.... That to me is bad enough already...However, I have taken a look at "Kamala Harris" over the last few days, and yes, this creature is not as she seems and is to me as EVIL as they come....I have been looking at so much material in fact that shows the best reports about this "Kamala Harris" and exactly what she is indeed all about... And so far, the best summary of the REAL "Kamala Harris" comes from a fellow real truth seeker, "Aangirfan" who hails from the UK and writes his/her blog over at www.aanirfan.blogspot.com.... I therefore first want to present the link to Aangirfan's article that exposes some of the truths about this "Kamala Harris here, and I have my own thoughts and comments as usual to follow:https://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2020/08/kamala-harris.htmlNTS Notes: The KEY issue about this 'Kamala Harris' IMHO is the FACT that this foul creature is NOT "black" as many are being lied to by the Jewish controlled media in the US.... She is in fact part Jamaican/East Indian and has a sprinkling of Khazar Mongolian/Indo-Turkish blood in her as well...And note the FACT that her 'husband' is a full blown Jew, and the fact that her ancestors were indeed JEWISH slave owners in Jamaica! Yes, this foul creature that is hailed as 'pro black' is in fact the great-great-great-great granddaughter of slave owners named "Brown" who lived in Jamaica and had some 100+ slaves.... And yes, those ancestors were in fact Jewish, making Kamala possibly a Jew herself thanks to the twisted idea put out by these Khazars that Jewishness comes though "maternal" lineage.....And of course there is the following article that comes from another real truth seeker, "Vidrebel" through his website at www.vidrebel.wordpress.com, that gives an "annotated guide" to some of the EVIL facts about this "Kamala Harris" this is pretty good reading for everyone, and especially those Americans who may actually 'vote' for this Biden-Harris duet of evil this November.. Here is the link to that article here:https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2020/08/12/kamala-harris-an-annotated-guide/Yes, a very foul creature indeed.... And the sad part is that if Biden "wins" (by the crooked voting of course!) then this "Harris" will be only a Joe Biden heart attack away from being the President!The way I see it... Americans will be absolutely fucked again this November, for their 'choices' will be evil on one side in Drumpf/Pense and on the other side Biden/Harris..... Either way, America will continue to be so screwed over for the next 4 years at least, or until Americans actually have finally had enough and do decide that a REAL revolution to restore the republic is needed....More to comeNTS