The COVID-19 Bullshit: A Little Humour - Video "Safety Mask"

Every day, I am finding more and more of THE most stupid and retarded people imaginable out there now "obeying their masters" and putting on those gawd awful face masks..... I was out and about just last night to get a few groceries from the local supermarket (not Walmart of course..) and I could not help but notice that more and more people are putting on those face coverings......It definitely does show the power of the Jewish controlled media that has been filling their propaganda airwaves and every local news service with the bullshit that everyone "should" be putting on 'face masks' to 'protect themselves and others'... .The reality is of course that "face masks" are THE WORSE THING that anyone can possibly do to themselves, for all they are doing is make themselves SICK..... Well, we are definitely in a WAR as the scam artists behind this entire 'scam-demic' are indeed continuing with their propaganda and brainwashing, and those in the real truth movement are finding it harder and harder to reach the sheep to prevent them from succumbing to such idiocy..... But for now, I want to present a new video that was actually sent to me a few days ago (Yes, I am indeed doing some catching up these days!) that was a humorous look that the idiocy of face masks... This video is entitled: "Safety Mask" and is a take off of the "Men Without Hats" video from the mid-80's entitled "Safety Dance".... Here is that video, and I do have a few thoughts and comments to follow:NTS :Notes: This video did indeed make me laugh, and I hope that others do find it funny as well...Yes, it is good to throw in some humor once in a while, otherwise everything continues to be doom and gloom.....The facts though remain the same... It is indeed now a war between those who are stupid enough to wear face masks and those that know better and want to keep themselves healthy... I have been and will always be in the latter group and will resist wearing 'face masks' as long as possible and even if the criminals do try to make them 'mandatory"....More to comeNTS