Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahBecause it's Shark Week and Trump has shark phobia...Of course, Trump Airlines went out of business years ago, like everything else Trump touches. But, I imagine that the colossal vanity of the man has led him to stashing one of his planes in a hanger somewhere, probably on the property of some Repug Party magadonor. No doubt, it's all gassed up and ready to fly The Orange Menace To Society, his family, and staff to Russia, Saudi Arabia, The UAE, or some other non-extradition country in the highly remote possibility that they'll ever be forced to self-deport.God, can you imagine being stuck on a plane listening to Kayleigh and Kellyanne for hours? Give me the screaming baby across the aisle anytime!May the shark be with you, President Fraud.