U.S. Now Past 3,000,000 Covid-19 Cases; World Nears 12,000,000 Cases

Eric Zuesse
The most-authoritative site presenting, in real time, the number of coronavirus-19 (Covid-19) cases and data, country-by-country, throughout the world, is
and they now show America having soared past three million cases, and the entire world likely, by July 8th, to cross the threshold past twelve million cases.
They show the daily number of new cases as having steadily ascended ever since May 15th (100,393). The only lull (less-sharp rise) had been the moderate ascent which extended during the period of April 3rd (84,056) to May 15th (100,393). The first soaring period had extended during the period of March 17th (15,763) to April 3rd (84,056).
On July 4th, the number of daily new cases reached 190,662. On July 3rd, it had been 210,467. (The daily figures vacillate considerably.) So, it has approximately doubled between May 15 and now. That’s just 50 days. Overall, it seems that we’re still sharply ascending.
Many people continue to doubt the usefulness of these data, because the understanding of the virus continues rapidly to develop, and almost nothing was scientifically established about it prior to January 22 of this year. Because so much about the virus continues to be not scientifically well-established, many people who distrust science and have higher trust in the beneficence or other rightness of the ‘natural order’ or of ‘God’, continue to believe that the globally reported figures should be ignored, and “nature should just be allowed to take its course” in order that a ‘herd immunity’ will develop and no Man-made vaccine will be needed in order to overcome whatever problem might possibly exist regarding this virus.
Also, many people believe that scientists are more corrupt than whatever authority the individual person happens to trust is. A great many individuals distrust the opinions of a majority of scientific experts on a given matter, regardless of how large that majority of expert opinions may happen to be. For example, there exists widespread disbelief in the peril that over 90% of climatologists assert to exist that unless humans cut way back fast on our burning of fossil fuels, this planet’s biosphere will soon become doomed to end within perhaps even less than a thousand years — producing a dead planet.
Consequently, many individuals reject these data, and trust instead that ‘herd immunity’ will develop after all of the non-immune people will have died-off — and that those believers will themselves turn out to be among the immune ones, instead of among the ones who will die off from this disease (if the disease is real, at all, which some contest).
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
The post U.S. Now Past 3,000,000 Covid-19 Cases; World Nears 12,000,000 Cases appeared first on The Duran.
