NATO Oversees Georgian Military Upgrading, Integration

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
October 29, 2013
Accomplishment of the commitments undertaken by Georgia under the Defence Planning and Review Process (PARP) is being evaluated at NATO HQ. The delegation of Georgian MoD, led by Deputy Defence Minister Mikheil Darchiashvili, visit Brussels in this respect.
Within the tree-day long official visit to Brussels, Mikheil Darchiashvili has already held bilateral meetings with Assistants of Secretary General in the field of Defence Policy and Planning, Operations and Security, as well as with Director of the NATO Standardization Agency.
The sides discussed the ongoing and fulfilled reforms in the Georgian defence field. One of the main topics of the meeting was Georgia’s contribution in the NATO-led international mission in Afghanistan, as well as future cooperation plans with NATO. “We discussed the crucial aspects of bilateral cooperation – the process we are approaching to the NATO membership. Presidential Elections held in Georgia was paid a great attention at the meetings. Georgia deserves appreciations for free and fair elections” – outlined Mikheil Darchiashvili.
Within the visit to Brussels, Planning and Review Process (PARP) will be discussed together with NATO member countries in 28+1 format. Mikheil Darchiashvili will inform NATO representatives the ongoing reforms in Georgian defence sphere and pay attention to the evaluations of the process.
