Latvia: Pentagon Chief’s NATO Outpost On Baltic Sea

United States European Command
October 30, 2013
Hagel Commends Latvia’s Participation in Afghanistan
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON: In a Pentagon meeting with Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks today, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel commended Latvia for its steadfast participation in International Security Assistance Force operations in Afghanistan and for the energy and perspective that Latvia and its Baltic counterparts have brought to NATO, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said.
In a statement summarizing the meeting, Little said Hagel and Pabriks reiterated their countries’ commitment to supporting security and stability in Afghanistan beyond 2014.
“Secretary Hagel also reinforced the United States’ commitment to standing together with United States and NATO allies and partners,” he added. “The leaders affirmed their intent to work together to support regional cooperation, interoperability and long-term defense modernization and acknowledged the important relationship between Latvia and the Michigan National Guard, Latvia’s partner in the National Guard’s State Partnership Program.”
