Patriarch Kirill: Without God, family, traditions, everything collapses [Video]

Russia is making the move to deeply embrace its one thousand year past, uniting today’s modern state with the Empire of the Tsars and even showing how the Soviet Union has its unique place in history which must be remembered. In a four-minute video, we see Patriarch Kirill sign his ballot for the Constitutional referendum, and give an explanation for the actions he sees the country must take.
While not directly referring to the United States, it is perfectly clear from the current events ripping the USA apart that the leadership of the Russian Federation is aligning itself with the traditions Russia has held for a millennium – those traditions springing from the Orthodox Christian Church, which was brought to the Kievan Rus’ in 988AD.
As has always taken place throughout sacred history, nations that align themselves with God as he is known in the Christian and formerly Jewish traditions have never seen failure, while those who reject God know nothing but failure.
The United States stands at a crossroads. Negligence of history, an overreliance on technology and the vast luxury experienced by many Americans has brought some of them into the sense that they are sufficient alone, without God, in making a great nation.
The riots in Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta, New York and many other cities show that exactly the opposite is true. During the Coronavirus pandemic’s first wave, Church attendance was curtailed, often with the blessing and order of Church leaders. As Orthodox Christians, this amounted to a great betrayal of Christ and of the faith, suggesting that the secular authorities carry a higher level of importance and power than the Holy Trinity.
The attitude of the violent rioters is such that they attack Churches, determining that any refence to Christ himself must be destroyed (because Christ is depicted as a white man), that queer, LGBT, transgender and such people must be elevated to something like the holiness reserved for the saints.
But not only are the rioters attacking Christians. In the classic fashion so often shown when great evil is allowed to freely act, the rioters are attacking their own supporters, clearly showing the only nature of this cause is to destroy. Everything.
This is as simple as any math problem could ever be. We see it depicted in the catchy bumper stickers:
If only we truly took this seriously…
Here is Patriarch Kirill to tell you about it himself. Don’t worry. There are clear English subtitles. All you have to do is know how to read and write… and not wreck and riot.

The post Patriarch Kirill: Without God, family, traditions, everything collapses [Video] appeared first on The Duran.
