Ice Age Farmer: Rockefeller Food, AgTech, & The Coming Food Supply Shortage- Via Higherside Chats

I'm nearly done Part 4 of the Corona Killing of Elders series, but, I want to push back publishing that installment and instead share this interview. Which is excellent.It's a MUST LISTEN INTERVIEW!Thanks Greg at Higherside Chats- It's younger people like Greg and Christian (ice age farmer) that shine some light onto what could be a bleak future for humanity.

  • Crop loss map- And the lack of heat to grow plants- I can tell you all this is happening!

We've had a heck of a time starting plants, this year, again!  Getting them to grow and protecting them from cold, while dealing with a shorter time to grow.  This after planting or own veggies for nearly 30 years. All the local greenhouse growers had an awful year...

Rockefeller Food, AgTech, & The Coming Food Supply Shortage

Podcast: Play in new window | Download If you want to connect some dots between the "pandemic" bailouts- Black Rock, Bill Gates and the "green agenda" Listen to Ice Age Farmers podcasts available at his site, which is now, linked in the sidebar. I've been listening while working at home today and oh my goodness.. the ducks are in a row.