Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 31st, 2020

Sunday... Last Sunday in May, and time again for my weekly rant..OK, How can anyone not see what is happening here in central Canada in regards to the Yo-yo'ing weather and not understand that we are definitely heading into what could be a very long solar minimum?  Yesterday morning, the overnight temperature dipped down to around -5C which is a near record cold for this time of year, and there were frost warnings issued right across this entire province... Normally this time of year the overnight lows get down into the mid +10C or higher mark, but we have never seen such cold in decades..... Even though there is a bit of a 'rebound' for the next few days with temperatures rising into the mid 20C range, this yoyo effect will continue for all of June.....Honesty, Global Warming my ass... I would dearly want to see what that ugly little bitch Greta Thunberg and her cronies have to say about these cold temperatures, but apparently that foul creature has been trying to 'remake' herself now into a "COVID-19 pandemic expert" in which I really have to just laugh my ass off..... I am sick of her and the other criminal fuckers in the fraud "Climate Change" realm of mental misfits still trying to claim the planet is overheating, as the evidence is now crystal clear everywhere that we are  heading into a grand solar minimum.....Well... Can I say it now?  Clearly we have beaten the fuckers who tried their "pandemic" scam, as they are now trying to find yet another different scam to latch onto to get their enslavement system in place..... And yes, the "pandemic" fraud has indeed collapsed on them, but you would never know that when you turn on the idiot box aka "Talmudvision" where the lying piece of shit mother fucking assholes in the Jew spew media are still trying to hammer the most gullible out there with their near 24/7 "COVID-19" scam reporting.... I honestly would love to see an ACTUAL media outlet somewhere where the fucking lying bastards are challenged in debates or on real shows that are uncensored to come up with their PROOF that there even was a "pandemic" to begin with!  But will we ever see that happen?  Honestly, NO, or not until the Jewish control over the entire media is ended and REAL TRUTHS are allowed to be told to everyone...I have to say that in spite of the failure by the master criminals for their enslavement plans via this fraud pandemic, I am still seeing so many IDIOTS out there wearing fucking face masks and screaming for people to practice "social distancing" (Karens everywhere!)..... But as I stated yesterday there are now more and more stores and establishments where people are no longer living in FEAR and are absolutely defying both of those levels of stupidity... Heck, I was out shopping this morning for a few items for a barbecue today and for a change I did not see or hear one ass clown scolding customers for not 'social distancing' and the number of morons actually wearing masks is in decline.... People are indeed waking the fuck up, even though the process is so agonizingly slow......Well, the corrupt and immoral Pallister government here in Manitoba is going to launch their 'phase 2' as of tomorrow stating that  Manitoba is "well ahead of the curve" ( If there ever was a "curve" to even begin with?) and will lift some of the horrendous 'restrictions' that the fuckers imposed on everyone here over two months back..... But this "lifting of restrictions" is so laughable and ludicrous for it continues to impose stupid guidelines on everyone including the 'social distancing' bullshit, and therefore businesses that are already so badly ruined by this entire fraud "pandemic" will continue to be strangulated for a bit longer.... Honestly, fuck this nonsense, as there NEVER WAS A PANDEMIC in this province at all, period, end of story.... Pallister has to stop being a poodle of criminal Jewish interests and actually do what the Manitoba voters have expected him to do and lift ALL restrictions immediately and put this province back to work!  But will that tall ugly fucker actually do that?  Probably not, and I do still wonder what he got for his ruining this province's economy?It should be obvious to everyone by now that the fuckers who ran the 'scam-demic" basically ran out of  options and have indeed resorted to their evil 'plan B' which was to send busloads of George Soros paid trouble makers to Minneapolis Minnesota before the beginning of last week and have them all in place for the aftermath of their launching of that laughably ridiculous "murder video" of crisis actor "George Floyd".... This incident and the aftermath were most probably planned for months and was absolutely ready to go if and when their "pandemic" would have failed... And in spite of the usage of crisis actors, agent provocateurs, and criminals bussed in to fuel the riots, it would have succeeded if not for the work of so many in the alternative media looking so closely at the 'murder video' to point out and inform a more skeptical public that this was indeed all a fraud and a set up.... Heck I saw the anomaly of the "POLICE" license plate within the first 20 minutes of viewing the "murder video" twice as the red flag that said to me that it was indeed all a scam.... And thanks to other researchers such as Jim Stone, the entire fraud has been blown to hell....Yes, the Minneapolis "murder video" is indeed a very elaborate hoax, and one that was done so sloppily that even the morons out there can see all of the anomalies... However, once again we have the Jew spew media out there putting out report after report to the gullible masses stating that it was REAL and continuing even today with their reports about this fraud to brainwash the public.... But of course these fuckers would lie, for they are indeed controlled by the same pieces of shit who brought us the fraud 'Pandemic" and the Jew spew media is absolutely in on the agenda of having America destroyed by either scaring people to death with the fraud pandemic or a "race war".....Meanwhile, while everyone has been "distracted" by these two frauds, there is a lot of things happening elsewhere in the world, especially in the Middle East where the fucking psychos in charge in that shit hole called Israel are indeed about to proceed forward with their 'phase 1' of their planned annexation of the entire West Bank region by annexing the "Jordan Valley" region of the West Bank as early as July 1st of this year..... That land theft by these fucking psychotic criminals has the full backing of criminal President Donald Drumpf as well (Take that, you Drumpf supporting morons!)... And of course there is little outcry anywhere to this travesty as the Jew spew media has PURPOSELY prevented this horrific development from even reaching their viewers and listeners....BUT what really caught my eye this last week in terms of the criminal Israeli plans to annex ALL of the West Bank was where that master psychotic criminal in charge in that putrid "state", Benyamin Miliekowsky aka "Netanyahu" finally came out and stated what would happen to all of the nearly 3 Million Palestinians when the annexations are completed?  And that criminal mass murdering freak stated that the Palestinians would have NO rights as citizens of Israel at all (!).... Basically this psycho just confirmed what I have been saying for years in that the fuckers in Israel want it ALL and will not even give the Palestinians any rights or citizenship in their sickness of a 'GREATER ISRAEL'..... I therefore feel so vindicated when I have been saying for years now in these rants that the Palestinians have absolutely NO choice other than to fight and fight back hard against these monsters, for the alternative is to have absolutely NO future and to possibly be either exiled permanently or genocided out of existence.... Given the choices of either to fight or die, I know which one I would choose in a heartbeat....I again cannot understand what the US hopes to gain by their constant poking of China, especially now that they are trying once again to fuel their agent provocateurs in Hong Kong to stir up trouble against the Chinese government.... There is once again rising protests in Hong Kong and  the fear of riots happening in the streets could come to a head as early as this coming week.... The Jew spew media has also climbed on board the China bashing and has been trying to say that Hong Kong should be "independent" of China all together, which is not what the Chinese government wants and was never part of any possible discussions or negotiations when the UK returned Hong Kong and its environs  back to China in 1997.....  China has for the longest time left Hong Kong alone with the "one nation, two states" policies that have granted the people of Hong Kong many personal liberties and freedoms that even mainland China does not have..... Sadly, Hong Kong continues to be a weapon that the US has continued to try to use in their long standing economics war against China, and even though many agreements were reached between the US and China before this 'pandemic' bullshit arose, the criminals in the US government continue to use Hong Kong as a means of stirring up trouble with China..... Meanwhile, we still have Taiwan and its continuing desire to remain separate from China and to chart their own future..... The US has been bolstering Taiwan and its defences against mainland China for the last  70+ years and recently sent more weapons and reaffirmed their defence pacts with Taiwan recently just to poke mainland China once again..... There have been recent rumblings that China is finally preparing to move against Taiwan, as the Beijing government continues to picture Taiwan as just a "breakaway province" with the ultimate goal of bringing Taiwan back into their control..... Honestly, Taiwan and the Taiwan people do deserve to decide their own future, but that decision should be made without interference from BOTH China and the United States.....The situation in Syria has remained generally 'static' over the last week, with the Turkish and Russian forces now fully patrolling and opening up the M4 motorway to Syrian control as an important supply link between Aleppo and Latakia.... There have been rumblings that the US backed terrorist forces still holed up in Idlib would try to launch attacks against any Syrian convoys on that route, but no major incidents have been reported over the last week..... It does appear that the Syrian army in the meantime is doing some repositioning and strengthening of their forces around Idlib and may again launch another major offensive to clear out the southern part of the pocket south of the M4 highway, and the Syrian army is continuing their operations to clean up what remains of US run "ISIS" forces in the Syrian desert south and east of Palmyra..... All this does show is that the war in Syria is still far from over and the  hopes of the Syrian people for a fully united and whole Syria is still years away...Someone asked me the other day what I thought of the recent move by criminal President Donald Drumpf to finally take action against the Jew controlled 'social media' platforms of Youtube, Facebook, and even Twitter.... I have always looked upon those 'platforms' as evil and twisted information gathering platforms and spy programs..... I have been thoroughly disgusted with their recent push for 'censorship" and their removal of so many users for what they claim are 'violations of their standards' when again all this was was pure censorship of the truth..... IMHO, Drumpf is right here in that censorship via the Internet must be ended and done now.... BUT I am not sold on this new bill by Drumpf for there must be a more nefarious reason for why that criminal is calling for this action now..... Drumpf is absolutely controlled by Jewish interests and even though that removal of censorship 'bill' does seem valid, I have my suspicions that there is indeed more here than meets the eye.....And someone asked me what I thought of "Space X" and their launch from Florida to send a crew to the International Space Station..... I look at this in two aspects; One being bravo to Space X for showing that an independent organization can indeed put America back into space and not have to depend on NASA... The second aspect is that this launch is so long overdue and should have taken place years ago and shortly after NASA 'retired' their shuttle program.... Having to have the US totally dependent on Russian missions to get to the ISS has been to me so ludicrous and definitely showed the weakness of NASA for all to see.....One other thing that has not been discussed much over the last few days was the explosion of Space X's experimental booster rocket near Brownsville Texas just two days ago...  That booster has been in the planning for Space X to not only lift men and equipment into low Earth Orbit, but was the first supposed test of a heavy lift booster for the potential Space X "mission to Mars"....... To me, Elon Musk and his dreams of getting beyond low Earth Orbit has a very long way to go, for not only are they having troubles with their heavy boosters in tests, but I still have NOT seen any reports of how Musk's company has solved the problems with radiation beyond low Earth orbit for any of their astronauts to fly through... NASA never solved the radiation problems at all in their fraud Apollo missions, and I can guarantee that Space X is still, now 50 years later, just discovering that the problems still exist....Before I close this rant with my usual last minute tidbits, I have has some emails and some comments sent my way that have raised concerns about Paul Craig Roberts, and how in spite of my continuing to have his site linked on the right hand side of this blog, he continues to promote this COVID 29 BULLSHIT  pandemic as being real.. Heck, Paul even had the nerve the other day to put out an article attacking those who see 'face masks' as being absolutely ludicrous calling many of us the 'problem' with this entire pandemic fraud!.... Yes, I am so thoroughly disgusted with Paul now, as I had seen movement by him in the right direction over the last year in finally calling out the criminals as being Jewish, and yet he just threw all those efforts away by being a complete IDIOT in regards to this fraud pandemic.... I will probably remove him from the blog list very shortly, for I can not stand morons out there, and Paul Craig Roberts may be put into the trash bin along with other morons such as that Mike Adams clown over at Natural News!Well, time once again to close this rant with my last minute tidbits.....  Yes, Kim Jong un is alive and well, and I had to laugh at all of the reports over the last week claiming he was dead. Obviously just more distraction for gullible people..... I see Demon-rat COMMUNIST candidate for this November in the US, Joe Biden, continues to stick his foot in his mouth and show his dementia.  But the Demon rats are clearly stuck and trying to find their alternative to that woman groping brain dead asshole.  I again cannot help but to think of the evil demon Hillary "Killary" Clinton as these bastards' choice..... Hey, I saw a laughable report that the evil, twisted, sick, and demented Taylor Swift whom I have looked at as being one psycho bitch came out last week saying that Donald Drumpf is responsible for "stoking fires of white supremacy".  I saw that ludicrous statement by this demented bitch and thought to myself that she should shut the fuck up and get a real life.  I still cannot understand how anyone can listen to this crazed bitch's music at all, let alone listen to her insane ramblings......And someone sent me a link to an article that said that ugly "Lady Gaga" creature has just put out a song that calls for microchipping of people!  I saw the lyrics and it is true, and makes sense as this foul creature is absolutely controlled by the same interests that do indeed want to see everyone have a chip in their bodies as part of their planned surveillance system.....Why has nobody even bothered to notice that the majority of the supposed 'victims' of the fraud pandemic seem to be Democrat governor controlled states in the US?  I looked recently at a US map of "hotspots" for that fraud pandemic and all I see is Democrat controlled states!  Gee, I wonder why?....  Almost zero news coming out of Venezuela, as they have received their petrol shipments without US interference and are now planning for more Iranian oil tanker shipments to arrive in their harbours shortly.  I will bet anything that the US, having failed with their coup attempt using mercenaries, still has another trick up their sleeve to try to overthrow the Maduro government..........No surprise when I saw an article put out last night where nearly ALL of the people that were 'arrested' for those riots in Minneapolis were discovered to be from "out of state" meaning outside of Minnesota.  That makes sense and backs up everything claimed that the rioters were George Soros hired agent provocateurs bussed into Minnesota for that planned riot!............No shock here that food prices are beginning to rise thanks to the fraud "pandemic" cutting both shipments and even production.  We are going to all see prices skyrocket over the next while and possible food shortages everywhere are NOT at all out of the question.  This is all the more reason to end the fraud pandemic and open things up fully NOW!.......The mayor of Minneapolis had the audacity and the gall to ask the hired Soros protestors and rioters to 'wear masks' and 'practice social distancing" while they destroyed that city?  Honestly, nothing surprises me any more, and IMHO that "mayor" is part of this entire scam and riots as he is Jewish (no shock here..) and has probably been paid handsomely by his fellow tribe members and even George Soros to destroy his own city!.......  So let me get this straight; The US is in even more horrific economic trouble and deeper into total bankruptcy and here we have the criminals in the US congress about to pass a new measure to send even MORE money to the psychotic state of Israel as early as the beginning of this week?  This shows once again how the criminals in charge do not give a damn about America and will give everything to their Jewish masters even when there is a "pandemic" ruining their nation!  Hopefully Americans remember this come this November.........Gee, no shock here as new "report" claims that nobody will be able to fly on an airplane when this fraud pandemic is over unless they carry an "immunity passport" or have papers showing they have been "immunized" by Bill Gates' upcoming vaccine!   Honestly, it looks like I will be driving to any destinations from now on..........  YES, finally a report out of the UK that Premier League soccer will return starting in mid-June.  However, the teams will be playing in front of empty stadiums thanks to pandemic bullshit?  Honestly, fuck that and let the players play in front of fans as they should be!........NO news this last week on the Harry and Meagan front as those two brain dead idiots are definitely California's problem now and no longer Canada's burden.  Two useless eaters and air breathers that are worthless to society IMHO........... And speaking of worthless air breathers, I see there was sad news this last week where Kardashian spoiled brat and trollop, that poor Kylie Jenner is reportedly NOT a billionaire but sadly is only worth about $900 Million dollars instead.  This is so sad for Kylie Jenner indeed, especially when a lot of Americans are now unemployed, destitute, starving, and are living in tent cities in many cities across the US.   Just shows how fucked up America truly is when that type of crap actually made the "news"!More to comeNTS