COVID Crisis: Lionel Shriver on ‘The Cruelty of Social Distancing’

As the western nations continue to hobble through the COVID ‘pandemic’ after a self-imposed lockdown of their national economies, it’s fast becoming clear that the propaganda construct of the the ‘New Normal’, is the hypochondriacs wonderland of eternal social distancing. It is panic and paranoia – in itself a preposterous false construct fashioned by technocrats and social engineers to tighten control of society. Lockdown gurus are claiming this new normal is necessary to ‘save lives’ during a follow-on “Second wave” and other subsequent waves, and with little regard for the mounting economic and social damage this is causing. The fall-out looks to be spectacularly complicated, and financially debilitating for many years to come. Why did government choose a path of self-destruction? Will society be able to regain its collective sanity?
Novelist and Spectator columnist Lionel Shriver talks with Spiked editor Brendan O’Neill about the catastrophe of COVID ‘lockdown’ policy, the horrors of the ‘new normal’, and our society’s immature response to death.

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