Dr John Lee Dismantles UK Government’s COVID-19 Lockdown Policy

As the UK government continues to double-down on what can only be described as a failed ‘lockdown’ policy, independent scientists and experts continue to challenge the official narrative on COVID-19 and why governments took the unusual move of shutting down entire economies and societies in order to supposedly “save lives.” Upon closer examination though, this does not appear to add up. How well were these policies thought through by politicians? Do they even make any scientific sense?
In this first part of  Escape the Lockdown series host Alex McCarron talks with Dr John Lee about the merits of UK government’s scientific case for its COVID-19 ‘lockdown’,  with a valuable analysis which not only challenges the popular assumptions about the Coronavirus but also sheds light on vast damage and casualties due to the lockdown itself. Listen: 

Guest Dr John Lee MD BSc PhD FRCPath is an eminent retired Pathologist, recently coming out of retirement to write a series of fascinating articles in the Spectator during the Covid crisis. Previously he has written for the New Scientist, the Lancet Oncology and appeared in the Channel 4 series of TV events “Autopsy.”
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