Great Short Video By Snordelhans...Warning! Iran HAS The Bomb!

With the failure at this moment in the sick Israeli/US attempts to get their regional war going in the Middle East through Syria, the Jewish media has now began their push for an invasion of Iran (again) through the usual false claims that Iran is "months away" from building a nuclear device.... We have heard the same lies for years now, and I hope that this time people are no longer taking the bait...To help show the sad history of the vain attempts by the criminals in both the terrorist state of Israel, and their useless idiot slaves in the United States, to get a war on Iran going based on the false lies of Iran getting nuclear weapons, I want to present this amazing video from none other than Patrick Willis, aka Snordelhans, entitled: "Warning! Iran HAS The Bomb!" for everyone to see here for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: The facts in this short video speak for themselves.. For well over 30 years, and actually closer to 40 now, the criminal Israelis and their American puppets have screamed about non-existent Iranian nuclear weapons, while keeping up the total hypocrisy of lying to the entire world by allowing that horrible Jewish state to grow a massive nuclear arsenal that now has over 400 nuclear weapons.  The bottom line is that the so called media today is back at it in trying to convince the American public that a war with Iran is necessary to eliminate Iran's non-existent nuclear weapons... Let us get the truth out to everyone and no longer be fooled...   Some other important notes:  I have watched recently as Patrick Willis, aka Snordelhans, got into a small scale war with Mike Delaney over Delaney's "Tru-tube' site.... Patrick had decided to remove all of his videos from Tru-Tube for "personal reasons" and it touched up a battle between himself and Delaney over the ownership of these videos, and called into question the entire Tru-Tube site itself.... Finally, it does appear that situation has been resolved, and Patrick is no longer on Tru-Tube, but  is now back putting up videos on Youtube under the name "Snordster".Due to the recent flare up of trouble concerning Mike Delaney and his group, many people have asked me about my stance on Mike Delaney and I figured I would clear the air here...First, I am in no way a "White Supremacist" even though the criminal Jews have tried desperately to label me as such and therefore attempt to drive people away from this site.   I have laughed at their vain attempts, and say to them... "Go ahead and try to label me as such... People who know me know better".I have to be honest in that I cannot tolerate the stance that Delaney and his group have taken against anyone who they claim is "anti-White".  That idea is to me ridiculous and ludicrous.  We must all put aside our differences, and band together to fight against the TRUE criminals which are the Jews themselves. This is not a "racial war" at all, but a fight against criminals.   The Jews have been using the tactic of driving a wedge into our efforts by having people split along the false idea of this being a fight between "races".   Only a fool can not see that is their diabolical plan to keep their opposition divided, and many people have fallen for this sick trick. Fools who claim this is a war for "whites" are playing into the criminal Jewish hands....Again, the fact is this is a war for all of mankind against Jewish criminals out for domination of the planet, and I don't give a damn if a person is yellow, pink, black, white, striped, polka dot.... I want a unified fight against evil......And about the terrible problems with racial discord in our nations....People must also never forget that the criminal Jews themselves brought in "multiculturalism" and opened the flood gates to immigration in nations.  Their intention as outlined in their sick Protocols was to destroy nations from within through racial strife...... We see the result today with both Europe and America falling to pieces thanks to open immigration and horrible racial wars....ONLY by removing the instigators of this trouble, the Jews themselves, can nations then sort out their internal racial problems...There.... People have been wondering about my stance on racial issues and now you have it...Everyone may not agree with this, and honestly I don't give a damn....My fight is against the true scourge of ALL humanity.More to comeNTS