Yale Study: Saliva Swab Beats Commonly Done Nasal Test For Accuracy AND Consistency in Covid Testing

Yet, nasal testing has been de rigueur "out of strictness" or "according to strict etiquette"; one definition of our word rigor, to which rigueur is related, is "the quality of being strict, unyielding, or inflexible." In other words nasal testing has been the standard adhered to, Despite the fact it is not without fault. Or perhaps it's been strictly adhered to  because it is so faulty?Yale Study

"A new Yale university study says saliva samples are better than the deep nasal swabs in testing for the coronavirus.In tests with patients and hospital workers, saliva taken from just inside the mouth gave more accurate and consistent results, compared to the widely-used nasal swabs.The nasopharyngeal swabbing is uncomfortable, causing some to flinch.During that time, swabs may not make sufficient contact to collect a sufficient sample.The saliva swab test is less invasive, and can be taken reliably by patients themselves.The FDA recently OK'd a self-administered saliva test developed in a biotech startup at Rutgers University Center for Diagnostic Research (RUDCR) Infinite Biologics"


From earlier today: