US NATO Rep Kay Bailey Hutchison: US Ready To Help Turkey If They Remove the S-400's?!?!

  Needing a break from the covidsanity. Was Kay Bailey Hutchison attempting to be funny? I thought perhaps she was being tongue in cheek? Facetious? Seriously though if the US, was ever going to "help" Turkey they wouldn't have purchased the S-400's.  I expect she was may have been appealing to some deep state minions still embedded in Turkey.  Think of Ergenekon? Gladio and Gulen included.Turkish Minute Kay Bailey Hutchison

The US is ready to help Turkey against the Syrian army if Ankara removes the S-400 air defense system purchased from Russia, Kay Bailey Hutchison, the US permanent representative to NATO, said during a telephone briefing on Wednesday, according to the Bulgarian Military website.“We hope that Turkey will be able to repulse Syrian aggression, as a result of which many Turkish soldiers were killed. We hope that we can collect a package of assistance to Turkey. We hope that Turkey will not deploy the Russian air defense system in its country – it holds back the potential that we can provide them to counter Syrian aggression,” Hutchinson said.“We hope that the Turks … will remove the air defense system, which is located in the very center of Ankara,” she added.

Turkey’s purchase of the S-400 system has led to a rift with the US, with US and NATO officials repeatedly warning that the Russian-made system could undermine NATO systems by serving as a Trojan horse to gather intelligence for the Russian government.

Turkey went ahead with the purchase despite the warnings and started taking delivery of equipment last July.        

The deliveries were well covered here at the time they took place. Including the FACT that Syria's Ambassador to Russia was unconcerned about the deliveries to Turkey taking place.July 2019:

"At the present moment, Turkey is playing the role of a guarantor country along with Russia [for the ceasefire in Syria] and is coordinating its steps with the Russian leadership and that is why this is outside our attention," the envoy said.