Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWell, today's the big day. The $enate Trumpers will make it official. It was a perfect treason. If fake Democrats like Joe Manchin want to be Vichy-style collaborators, they will. The Trump Republicans have decided "We don't need a stinkin' Reichstag Fire! We'll just give our cheetomatic boy the ol' nod and wink and let him know that he's free to do whatever he wants. All is permissible! You got da power, Herr Donnie! You got carte blanche, just keep the crackpot judges and the rubles coming! Why scare the populace into giving you total power when they already voted for you and couldn't care less. We know! That's why we're here too!"In the end, that's what the Untied States $enate, aka The League Of Extraordinary Assholes, has done. After all, as another great Russo-Republican says, "Truth isn't Truth." As if Rudy wasn't enough, another old, senile wack-job named Dershowitz took time off from getting massages at the late Jeffrey Epstein's middle school sorority house to come in and tell the nation that crime isn't crime. Whoopee! Presumably, he had his underwear on but, since he was behind a podium, maybe he wasn't even wearing pants. Now, that would be one-upping Gym Jordan! Trump couldn't find one witness who would come forward to defend his lard butt so he banned the witnesses who could have testified against him faster than if they had been Muslims or Latinos. Yep, no John "Johnny Swiffer" Bolton or Mick "Get Over It" Mulvulva).You didn't really expect honor and courage from the United State $enate, did you? Like I've said over and over, Washington takes care of its own. That goes for both hoses and both parties but you could have 100 articles of impeachment and the result would be the same. Film of Donnie killing someone? To republicans, that's just great porn! The current $enate is nothing short of Politburo West. This is what happens when you don't pay attention, don't care and/or don't vote. Cover up accomplished. But this will be, by comparison, the good old days.