Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 26th, 2020

Sunday, and time once again for my weekly rant..Coronavirus... Or as some say "Corona Virus"... Either way, the Jew spew media is going nuts at the moment with their fear mongering trying to claim that this new "Virus" is deadly and that we are all now going to die unless we bow down and line up like dumb ass sheep for their new fangled vaccine....But what is not being told is that 'Corona Virus' is an off shoot of the common cold virus, in which case there is NO "vaccine" that will work to prevent anyone from getting this virus..... The Corona virus in fact mutates "naturally" (or as some claim artificially, in which case it has the signs of being manipulated in a laboratory) much like the common cold virus, and therefore if they do come up with a "vaccine" it will only work on a certain 'strain' of the virus and thus be useless for strains caused by mutation.... I can guarantee that most people out there will not know that, and will obediently go out and accept the 'vaccine' that the criminals concoct without any thought about the fact that it will probably not work at all!And lo and behold, but just yesterday comes reports that the "Corona Virus" is now definitely on the loose, with the first reports that a 'patient' has landed in Toronto, Canada, that carried the virus now into Canada.... I looked at the subsequent "reports" flooding the Jew spew media up here in Canada and it was end to end "the sky is falling" and that "everyone is now in danger in Canada" of contracting this "deadly" disease!   Yes, let the fear mongering up here in Canada now begin, as the criminals in charge will  push the fear to the limit to get the Canadian people to obey and line up for their "vaccine" shot!BUT, I will state that the fear mongering is mostly propaganda, as I have shown in previous articles that they are selling this hysteria by manipulating reports and claiming that people have been "dying in the streets" in the city of Wuhan, China, where this "disease" originated from... But even the pictures are pure unadulterated bullshit, as they blew it big time by showing leaves on trees that should not be (someone claimed to me that they were "evergreen" but upon close examination, they are not!) especially now in the dead of winter.... Wuhan basically has the same climate as much of western Canada where I live, and yes there is NO foliage on any of the trees here at this time of year, especially in the cold!.... It was a clear sign that someone dearly loves to sell the idea that this "Corona Virus" is so deadly that people are dying en-mass in Wuhan, while the real evidence shows otherwise....OK, so what about this "Corona Virus" and all the hype and hysteria?  The truth is, yes, this is an offshoot of the common cold virus with much of the associated symptoms of Influenza... The claimed mortality rate from this virus is anywhere between 5-15% of those who contract the disease, BUT the facts are that those who have already succumbed to the disease had already a long history of respiratory ailments as well as being mostly elderly where their immune systems are already in decline or have been weakened due to other diseases... But this always occurs when we have these Influenza/Respiratory disease outbreaks, and so far we have maybe 2 dozen known deaths in the city of Wuhan from which it originated..... Few are actually doing the real mathematics here, and not realizing that with 12 Million people in Wuhan district, that 2 dozen is therefore 1 in 500000 people actually dying of this disease, which is so minuscule and actually less than those who die from other ailments by a long shot.... But hey, the criminals in charge cannot let a good and new "disease" go to waste, so here they are manipulating facts and manipulating their media to sell everyone on the idea that the "sky is falling", right?And since the "Corona Virus" shows every sign of attacking those with compromised immune systems, the facts are that people can easily avoid contracting the disease by strengthening their own body's defences by eating properly, getting proper sleep and exercise, and taking the right supplements including Vitamins C and D that will be better in combating this "disease" than relying on a new "vaccine" that will absolutely NOT work!OK, I will absolutely continue in the near future with more articles of truth at this blog about this "Corona Virus" scare, that to me is absolutely nothing more than using the propaganda and psychological effects of fear mongering to get gullible and stupid people to obey and do as their governments and Big Pharma demand in getting "vaccinated"..... There is indeed so much that has been happening elsewhere that people should be concerned about rather than this fraudulent hysteria...OH, and I did find one other interesting note about this "Corona Virus" outbreak in Wuhan.... I was alerted the other day to the FACT that the first usage of the horrific 5G system in China just happens to be in the city of Wuhan!  It is so strange that this new virus is able to make headway in that Chinese city of over 12 million people, but it may make sense as the side effect of 5G technology is ABSOLUTELY the weakening of peoples' immune systems..... So with the sickening 5G terahertz frequency beams from that horrendous 5G shit now switched on in Wuhan, I doubt if this is a "coincidence" that people in that city are all of a sudden "dropping dead" from the Corona Virus! As expected, the good guys, the Syrian government forces and their Russian allies, have once again launched a "major offensive" against the criminals STILL holed up in the Idlib pocket in northwestern Syria.... And for the last 5+ years, I and others have been saying that they should give up on the fucking bullshit of  stopping their advances due to "ceasefires" and finish the job!   Apparently this time the SAA forces have thrown in the majority of their forces to destroy Idlib, and this time they are finally making some headway as they have seized over the last few days some key points along the M5 Motorway that runs right through the pocket.... I for one want to see them push forward and seize the key town of Saraqib, which is now in their sight, for if they gain that town then communications and transport for the 'terrorists' in Idlib will basically collapse and it could indeed spell the end of all resistance in the pocket itself.....But again, the advance has been painfully slow to watch and again and again the SAA has halted their advance rather than go for the jugular and finish the job!Meanwhile, the criminals in the US continue to try to raise havoc elsewhere in Syria by having their fraud "ISIS" forces continue with hit and run tactics across Deir Ezzor province and against Syrian military convoys using the road between Palmyra and Deir Ezzor city itself... But this makes sense as the US is wanting to increase those attacks to try to draw SAA forces away from their Idlib offensive.... The facts are once again that these "ISIS" attacks are controlled and have been launched from the illegal US position at Al Tanf in southern Syria, and until the Syrians and Russians are actually able to force the US from that key position, these "ISIS" attacks will definitely continue... All this proves is that the US is NOT in Syria now to "fight terrorism" but is there to  absolutely run "terrorist" attacks!   And people still question me when I state that the entire "war on terrorism" is and  always has been a complete fraud?Distractions, distractions, distractions.... It is so apparent that the average American is just too stupid now to see that their evil and criminal Jew spew media is wanting to have their simple minds manipulated once more with the ludicrous and ridiculous "impeachment" hearings that have now gone back to filling their minds with crap..... The facts are that these "impeachment" hearings are nothing more than a complete waste of time and a horrendous 'distraction' for the feeble minded out there that are so easily manipulated... The truth about these "impeachment" hearings is that the so called Democratic COMMUNISTS are indeed wanting to overthrow the US government and put the entire nation into a Communist regime with their lunatic liberals in charge.... And the facts are that every single 'charge' laid against criminal Donald Drumpf should be properly dismissed and charges laid against the Clinton Crime Family and their associates who were the REAL ones making so called  deals with Russia... It comes down to the usual "if most Americans really knew the truth" and how so easily manipulated most American minds have become.....And again, I am not a fan of Donald Drumpf by a long shot as so many still strangely claim... The man is absolutely controlled and manipulated by criminal Jewish interests who pull his stings like a marionette and demand that he do everything possible for the sickness of Israel.... Drumpf is in fact so far up Jew ass that he will never find his way out..... And here we have the upcoming "elections" in America for President this November, and I will bet anything that Drumpf will easily be "re-selected" by his Jewish masters to run the nation for yet another 4 years....The facts are that the "impeachment" hearings will definitely collapse and make Drumpf impervious to any future charges while he is President, and in doing so he will be more dangerous to the world for the next 4 years..... War with Iran?  Israel grabbing all of what is left of Palestine?  Guaranteed with Drumpf in the White House from 2020-2024, those may definitely be coming and Drumpf will have no resistance from doing those criminal actions from the rest of the US government, period...Yes, we just had an 'economic summit' in Davos Switzerland, and even though there were few reports about what really happened there, due to the Jew spew media focusing gullible minds on the Corona Virus hysteria and the fraud "impeachment", there was a lot of talk about the fraud of "Climate Change" and their lies of "Sustainable Development" which are absolute bullshit and shows that the real agenda is nothing more than their sickness of a "one world government" is truly alive and well.. Heck, even that little bitch, Greta Thunberg, reared her ugly face at that "summit" to once again push governments through her lies that the "world is about to end" to pass new laws to further strangle their own citizens through the lies of carbon taxation and other equally bullshit "green initiatives".... What I found out is that thankfully at Davos in spite of many attendees wanting to commit to bullshit "green plans" for their nations, there was nothing signed off and Greta and her cohorts failed, at least for the moment with their diabolical plans.... But the lunatics behind the entire "Extinction Revolution" sickness will try again, as the year is still young and there are still gullible and stupid governments out there that will blindly look at their ideas as being 'sound' without understanding how bogus their agenda really is!  And about Greta Thunberg herself?  I am still waiting for someone to go up to the podium while that little bitch is there and demand that she and her cronies show their evidence and facts rather than spew lies.....Well... Today supposedly is indeed Holocaust Memorial day (Damn, I must have missed the memo...) as today marks the "liberation" of the Auschwitz "death camp" by the Russians in early 1945.   And we have the Jew spew media everywhere once again trying to "tear jerk" people with their demands that people 'remember' that part of our so called 'History" that we STILL to this day cannot fully investigate to even prove its authenticity.   In fact, few even realize how the entire '6 Million' supposed victims hinges entirely on the "fact" that Auschwitz somehow as able to see the killing of some 4.3 million Jews in its facility, which ran for barely 3 years, which is therefore impossible to start with.... And few even realize that the official "plaques" that are at Auschwitz have been changed over the years to now show less than "1 Million" victims at the entire facility when it was in  operation!  That fact alone throws the "6 Million" number into complete turmoil, as we suddenly have  over 3+ million "victims" now missing from the official number..... But wait, if you and anyone else says the 6 Million number is logically wrong, you and I could indeed face criminal charges for 'questioning' what should be questioned!.... Yes, there is indeed NO business like "Shoah" business, as we are spoon fed this '6 Million" number from birth now until death and on a daily basis....  AND of course as a Canadian, I cannot officially call the "6 Million" number a fraud, for it would see me in jail for "holocaust denial".... It is therefore so sad that we now live in a world where lies are classified as the truth and to challenge said lies sees you in jail! AND about this Holocaust Remembrance day?  I will pass on any "celebrations" or "memorials" to that unproven part of our history, thanks....OK, I have spewed enough for the major issues on my diabolical mind..... There is so much more that has been going on in our world for the past while, and I will touch on so many of those other issues right here in my usual closing 'last minute tidbits'......Iran is 'threatening' to once again purify Uranium 235 beyond the set 3.75% previous threshold to just over 5% purity, and the Jew spew media is screaming that Iran is about to build a bomb.  Those idiots do not even think and realize that 5% purity is only good for fuel rods in nuclear reactors, and is far far below the 95% purity and above required for nuclear bombs.  Again, the bastards screaming here are blowing smoke out of their asses!..... And WHY is nobody ever talking about Israel's massive nuclear arsenal of some 200+ bombs?  Heck, the US just signed off on giving that sicko state another $3.3 Billion dollars annually, all paid for by gullible US taxpayers, and is illegal under the 1977 Symington Agreements!  But of course the US government is so far up Jew ass, that they simply do not give a fuck........Out and about the other day at local mall, and there are even more retail stores declaring bankruptcy and closing their doors.  I knew this was coming, as Canadians are tapped out to the max and have NO spending power, period.  And what is the heinous little ass clown Justin Trudeau doing about Canada's economic disaster? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!..... And with the resignation of criminal dual citizen Andrew Scheer from Canada's Conservative leadership, there are some other ass clowns coming forward and running to become that party's next leader.  But of course none of them will ever become  the leader unless they suck Jew dick first.  Yes, Canada is firmly under the grip of its Jewish masters, and there is no one anywhere who will challenge their authority!......I have come under fire from the criminals at Google for my articles and my lack of both "political correctness" and of course for slamming the Jewish criminals.  I am a truth seeker, and I will not sway from reality as I call a spade a spade.  It could see the shutting down of this site soon though, and I may be scrambling to find a new outlet soon.  I will let readers know if that does happen......... Meanwhile, I have seen reports about how the illegal migrants now occupying Sweden have been absolutely 'sacking' that nation and turning its cities into sewer laced shit holes.   Yes, readers, if you really want to see what happens when you open your borders and allow sewer rats from third world hell holes to flood into your nation, all you have to do is look at Sweden today!...........Got into an argument the other day with some brainwashed idiot that claims that we should seek zero CO2 emissions in the near future.  I explained that to do so would be suicide for this planet, as we absolutely NEED CO2 in our atmosphere for all life to survive!  Yes, readers, this shows how truly gullible and stupid the general public as become as they are being brainwashed by the idiots in the Climate Change ignorance.......I see that Mike Adams' Natural News website was knocked out for a while last week, and it was due to his stance and reports about the fraud of vaccines.  Yes, the criminals in charge are definitely targeting the "anti-Vaxxers" for they do NOT want the public to even begin to understand that vaccines are a complete fraud and detrimental to human health...... And I am still wondering what in the fuck happened to Michael Rivero and his "What Really Happened" website?  Mike claimed he was sick back in late December and reports at his site have become sporadic at the best of times. Honestly, I do have my differences with Rivero, but his reports at his site are so essential for our understanding of what is truly wrong with our world.  I hope the best for Mike and his wife Clair, therefore.........100% Proof now that Ukrainian flight 752 crash in Iran was NO accident and was absolutely caused by the US/Israel screwing around with the aircraft's onboard computers.  But do we see that truth anywhere in the Jew spew media?  Heck no, as those liars are wanting to see Iran vilified round the clock in the hope that stupid people will support an attack on that innocent nation.....Been suffering a bit from a throat infection this last while, and someone recommended I try "Manuka Honey" as a natural remedy for that infection.  I actually bought some yesterday and have been using it since that time.  I will let everyone know what the result will be and if the stuff actually helps.......NO soccer this weekend, and I am going through withdrawals again.  It is bad enough though that my team, Arsenal, continues to flounder and is stuck in the middle of the table.  It is definitely next year country for the Gunners as this year is a complete wash!........I see insane Taylor Swift is making news again, as "Swifty" has now gone political.  Considering what a dumb ass that creature is, she should stick to music, as she does not have a clue about politics at all..........And finally, in the lunatic asylum called Kardashian, comes news that skank #2 (or is it #3?) Khloe apparently has an entire room at her abode dedicated to hair extensions!  Yes, I kid you not, and this apparently is big news out of Kardashian skank-ville.  All this really shows is how truly twisted and sick these freaks truly are in terms of what they see as their lust for personal 'beauty'.   But again, as America is going to hell, this crap is what is passed off as news, and Americans swallow it all the time.  Again, I ask anyone to challenge me when I say that America is truly fucked when I show them the sickness of these freaks!More to comeNTS