Anatomy Of A False Flag: The Douma "Gassing" Hoax!

Many readers do remember back in April 2018 when the criminals in the US Government along with so many in the Jew spew media were screaming to high heaven that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria had just committed a crime of murder by "gassing his own people" in the city of Douma on the outskirts of greater Damascus..... We saw so much subsequent information come out since that time that has shown that the "Douma attack" was indeed a FALSE FLAG operation conducted to vilify President Assad and to brainwash the world's people into the false belief that Assad was indeed some type of "butcher" and that the world must immediately intervene in Syria to "stop such atrocities"..... I have already covered so many facts behind the Douma false flag in previous articles, and recently a lot of new evidence has come out showing how so many groups were involved in this false flag including with new evidence, the OPCW group that was supposed to be watching and reporting on any "gassings" and other violations by the Syrian government in Syria but instead may be directly involved in creating these false flags!I just came across this most interesting video, by James Corbett, who of course writes the "Corbett Report" and is found via Youtube via videos.... This one in fact is a must see by everyone, for it fully dissects the Douma gassing false flag, and shows evidence clearly indicating that Douma was indeed a massive operation to try to create sympathy for the idea that Assad did the gassings and must be removed from office... Here in fact is that video, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: Yes, the evidence is clear that there was NO "Assad gassing" conducted at Douma, and that the OPCW report of last year after that "attack" is so heavily flawed that it clearly shows that the OPCW group definitely can not be trusted as an unbiased source of information and facts, and in fact may have had a part in the entire charade from the start...Yes, the facts are clear that Douma was a false flag that nearly brought the entire world to war..... I and others in the real truth movement were all over this "attack" from the moment the news surfaced last year and we all smelled a rat..... We all knew that President Assad was NOT behind any of these supposed "gassings" for the man is NOT stupid at all and knew that any such attack would give the US/Israel/NATO cabal their excuses to come marching in to overthrow his government..... Therefore the logic conclusion is so obvious that Douma was a set up.. It is so shocking to realize that the OPCW "watch dog" group may indeed be part of this entire false flag scam..... I will say that the evidence shows that the OPCW group that investigated Douma did indeed plant some of the 'evidence' at the scenes of the crime, and that they can NOT ever be trusted to be "independent" at all as they are most probably controlled by the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal in the same manner as the fraud "white helmets" are controlled by the same cabal!Well, there we have it.... The facts are now that Douma was indeed a false flag, and that the OPCW was directly involved in the crime...... We can thank real "whistle blowers" for blowing the lid off of this charade...More to comeNTS