Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 8th, 2019

Sunday.... And time once again for my weekend rant...Well, the expected very cold weather has hit this part of central Canada very hard.... The outside temperature right now is a "balmy" -20C with wind chill factors in the -30C range... We are right smack in the middle of a massive Arctic cold front that has spread down into the central United States as well, and these extremely cold temperatures are going to stay in this part of Canada for the next two weeks at least according to the 'weather experts'.....People have been asking me why I give these 'weather reports' and I will say that I want to point out to even the most gullible people out there that this "climate crisis" aka man caused "climate change" is nothing but a fucking scam and a sham..... The reality is staring everyone in their faces as temperatures world wide are well  BELOW normal (Heck, even Australia right now has near record cold temperatures for the beginning of their Summer!) and this should prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that all of this fear mongering about there being a "climate crisis" and that we have "less than 10 years to live" is a horrendous scam to push the fraud of carbon taxation and the criminals' plans for a "one world government" on us!I have noticed that the scam artists behind all of the climate crisis fear mongering have gone strangely silent these days..... Could it be that people are finally having the guts to challenge them on their scam?  And what about that horrendous little witch, Greta Thunberg?  Was not she and her other scam artists supposed to be at a "climate summit" in Spain right now?   Has anyone else noticed that even the Jew spew media has been quiet about that summit and the fact that the planet is cooling and not "overheating"?..... I did notice a few reports, however, that showed that these scam artists are now "regrouping" and are trying to formulate a brand new "title" for their climate crisis fear mongering  in the hope that their new title will strike fear into the stupid people out there...... It is my hope that if these criminals do resurface with a brand new title for their scam, that people will actually finally challenge them directly to show their proof that the planet is about to "overheat" to put them out of their misery once and for all.....OK, Someone asked me the other day for my impressions on what is happening in the United States, especially with the continuing circus saga of the fraud "impeachment" hearings and especially about the health of US President Donald Drumpf...... The facts are that even with NOTHING to stand on, the Communists that now run the sicko Demon-rat party in the US is going full steam ahead with their lies about the US President hoping that if they fling enough crap and lies, that some may actually stick and be used to bring down the President......But again, they have absolutely nothing, and in fact the more they delve into the fraud Ukraine fiasco, the more the evidence is pointing directly at the criminals in the Demon-rat party themselves being responsible for any wrong doing... Sadly, this sick, twisted, and demented episode has gone on way too far and again the whole world is actually laughing at the insanity it has created!And what about Donald Drumpf himself?  I have looked at some of the recent  pictures of the US President and watched his recent ramblings, and my first impression is that something is terribly wrong with him health wise....  There has been some speculation that he has been either poisoned or some criminal is loading him up with drugs to try to turn him psychotic....  I honestly am not yet sold on the poisoning speculation, but that may indeed be what is taking place here.... People do need to understand that the Jewish elite may indeed be not too happy with Drumpf, even though he continues to suck their dicks every chance he can, and may indeed be using one of their patented methods of killing politicians and leaders via poisoning..... My thoughts are that Drumpf may actually be finally showing the massive strain of the fraud impeachment process as well as other world issues, and those may be taking a toll on him mentally as well as causing his physical health to deteriorate......One issue that nobody is talking about in the US is the fact that while most Americans have been 'distracted' by the fraud impeachment process, the US Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo, has been in "secret" meetings in the psychotic state of Israel with that psychotic mass murdering freak of nature, Benyamin Miliekowsky aka "Netanyahu" to reach a "pact" that will have the US tied to Israel defensively! ... People need to see what is REALLY happening here, for the psychos in Israel are still hell bent on getting a war launched against Iran, and they need the Americans to do all of the fighting and dying for them... Thus if the psychos in Israel do get their 'defence pact' with the United States firmly in place, then they will go ahead and launch an attack against Iranian targets to get the Iranians to retaliate.  Once the Iranians do retaliate, then the Jewish freaks will 'cry wolf' and claim that they are under attack by Iran and with their "defence pact" in place, the US will have NO choice but to attack and destroy Iran for these psychos...... Yes, America, this is happening and has been happening while you have had your minds filled with the fraud "impeachment" bullshit!I see that there have been new waves of protests happening across France over the last week... The French people have indeed had enough of the Macron criminal government and are now back in the streets once more like they did last year with the Yellow Vests protests.... Sadly, these protests happening now will probably end much the same as the Yellow Vests, in being a dud and with Macron still sitting in power, laughing his face off at the protestors....... And again, these protests are out there in France to distract the French people from some of the real issues that the Macron regime has now passed into law, including the fraud "Anti Zionist" law that will see anyone who criticizes the Jewish freaks and especially the psycho state of Israel be faced with charges and potential jail time... Yes, the Macron government basically just passed a law that has made the Jewish criminals "above the law" and able to get away with anything they want!   Now if a Jew is arrested in France on any crime, he can basically scream "anti semite" at his accusers and will be not charged with the crime!....  Yes, the French people can go and protest all they want, for the real power in France is firmly in Jewish hands....Someone asked me about that "incident" last week, where the idiot savant criminal moron that calls himself the Prime Minister of Canada was caught on tape in that fraud NATO summit meeting last week in Europe laughing with other "dignitaries" supposedly at the US President.... Honestly, Justin Trudeau is a complete idiot and showed how he is unfit to be Canada's leader by this action, which honestly has made Canada to be a laughing stock to the rest of the world... But this is nothing new, for Trudeau has been sticking his foot in his fat mouth for the last 5 years since the Canadian people stupidly selected him to be the Prime Minister..... Sadly, and I will make the point here, that the alternative in Canada to this moron is none other than the "deputy" Prime Minister, that heinous and most evil Jewish bitch, Chrystia Freeland, who is just waiting for her chance to take over as Prime Minister if Justin is ever thrown out of office.... Therefore, until Canadians wake the fuck up and throw all of the Liberal criminals out of office, we have to take the "lesser of two evils" being Justin Trudeau!The situation in Syria has been mostly unchanged over the last week.... I had hoped that the Syrian government forces along with their Russian allies would have finally had enough of the Idlib pocket filled with US run scoundrels and launched a full blown offensive to finally eliminate the pocket all together... But once again the initial attacks of last week have fizzled and the front lines in that pocket have not changed at all..... Meanwhile, we have the reports of more attacks on Iranian positions across Syria by "mysterious" aircraft that are absolutely undoubtably Israeli scumbags.   The Israelis are absolutely gunning for a war against Iran by any means necessary and they want to see the Iranians retaliate for these strikes on their Syrian positions.   Hopefully the Iranians do not swallow this bait....... And the Americans are still illegally in eastern Syria, where they are now claiming that they are launching 'operations' against "terrorist" positions, which is clear and utter bullshit.  The Americans are absolutely hoping to fool the gullible people out there that they are in Syria to fight "terrorism" while in reality they are continuing their illegal occupation of Syrian oil fields to prevent Syria from using those fields and their oil to rebuild their economy.....We saw a few days ago a "terrorist" attack against the American Air Force airbase at Pensacola Florida, where a "Saudi Nationalist" who was training at that base opened fire  and killed 3 American servicemen during a classroom session, and then was subsequently shot and killed by a Florida deputy sheriff.... The reports about this incident are so convoluted and smell of a set up, especially with the subsequent report that this Saudi's fellow Saudi nationals at that base actually filmed this event!..... The fact that these criminals actually had the gall to capture this entire attack on film smells of a massive operation and subsequent cover up, especially to keep the American public in the dark.....I have to ask the question of course if a "Saudi national" actually did shoot those people in Pensacola, or are we seeing a massive hoax happening here?..... And again we are stuck with the "who benefits?" from this attack since supposedly Saudi Arabia is supposed to be one of America's "allies"?...... I do smell a rat here of course, and hopefully some real truths will come forward from the alternative media over the next few days.....And do not get me started on the ridiculous "London Bridge" attack from over a week ago.. That one stinks of a planned operation and a subsequent cover up as well.... I stated in my last rant, and other articles, that the attacker was definitely a CIA/MI5 operative or was programmed to carry out this attack by those same scoundrels...... But this one not only stinks to high heaven, but leaves us once again wondering about the timing of that attack and exactly WHO benefits?.....One last thing before I go onto my last minute tidbits... I was out and about over the last few days, and when I went to the local supermarket, I was in the bakery section trying to pick out a few fresh buns, when I politely tried to ask a sales clerk "Excuse me, young lady.. But do you happen to have some fresh buns in the back?".  To which I got a glaring look and then shortly afterwards one of the other clerks came up to me and said that I should not have said that to that clerk, for she was offended..... I was stunned but had to ask how and in what manner? And the clerk said that she does not like being identified as a "young lady" but prefers a "neutral" gender(!!)... I could not believe what I was hearing and I was stunned... This fucking political correctness bullshit has gone WAY TOO FAR, as I was not trying to offend anyone, and I have always tried to be polite and calling women "ladies" throughout my life... Now some young sick freak does not want to identify herself as either female or even a "lady" and found my statement "offensive".... Fuck this LBGTQP sicko freak madness and their fucking up of our society, especially in regards to our children, with their brainwashing and stupidity.... Women are women, men are men, and if they actually think there is a third gender, they are mentally retarded!   I obviously will probably not be shopping at that establishment again as long as they allow such retardation within their premise....Well, I guess that is enough of the major issues that have been on my diabolical mind this last week.... In the meantime, I will close this rant with my usual "last minute tidbits" to cover other strange and interesting material that happened around our sick world recently.........The US Federal Aviation Administration just slapped Boeing with a $3.9 Million fine for their blatant incompetencies in regards to their "negligence" with their Max 737 aircraft and other aircraft.  This is such a slap in the face, especially to the families that lost their loved ones in the recent Max 737 disasters.  Basically, Boeing just got away with a slap on the wrist as they continue to fail to actually cure the problems with their poorly designed aircraft.  And what will happen when another Boeing aircraft crashes in the near future, especially when none of the real problems are actually corrected?.........An interesting report came out last week claiming that since Swedish women are constantly being raped by the psychotic sewer rat illegal migrants that are flooding into Sweden, that they have the option to simply leave Sweden!  Honestly, THIS is what is expected to fix that problem in Sweden?  How about actually shutting the borders and stopping the garbage illegals from flooding into Sweden in the first place?  But the Liberal moronic government in Stockholm is fucking hell bent on  allowing this garbage into Sweden and thus permanently destroying Swedish society forever in the process!.........Interesting reports surfaced last week showing the horrendous and detrimental effects that this new "5G" technology has on our bodies.  And lets face reality here, for that Terahertz wavelength radiation does indeed destroy brain cells and fry our bodies.  But hey, the criminal telecommunications giants are hell bent on having this new "technology" in place and to hell with our health!..........Interesting that the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was recently caught red handed in manufacturing the falsehood that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on its civilians, and none other than the US government now comes to their defence. Yes, the US was indeed behind the entire fraud as they were and are still hell bent on having Syria destroyed.........New report came out last week showing that this year's Black Friday sales up here in Canada were abysmal, with so many brick and mortar stores falling way below their set goals.  Even with the uptick in online sales, overall this year was a disaster for the retail market.  But this makes sense since most people are so heavily in debt and tapped out that they cannot afford any spending sprees for this Christmas season.  The real disaster will be felt after Christmas is over and most businesses will be gasping for air come January!..........Want to know how sick our world has become?  Well some "artist" had the gall to duct tape 3 bananas to several panels at an art show in Miami Beach Florida recently, and was able to sell each "banana" panel for some $120000 EACH!.  Yes, readers, they actually did classify this as 'art' and it does show how sick our society has become, especially when morons paid $360000 for this fiasco!.......No new news on the still continuing conflict in Yemen, other than reports about Houthis shooting down Saudi helicopters and drones.  Not too bad, for many had long considered the Houthis to not have the "know how" for this type of anti-aircraft defensive capabilities.  Yes, the Houthis continue to give the Saudis a 'bloody nose' in a war that will undoubtably see Saudi Arabia have to concede defeat.........I see that the fraud called "NATO" just celebrated their 70th anniversary last week, and I still want to know what the entire purpose of that organization is in this day and age, especially when the "Communist threat" against Europe is both over and has always been a scam.   NATO is nothing more these days than a force for evil interests, and is now gunning for a war against Russia itself!.  I say disband that entire madness, period.........My favourite EPL team, Arsenal, is now in serious free fall, as the Gunners seem hopelessly inept on the soccer pitch and are sitting in 10th place in the table as of this writing.   This season is now a wash for the Gunners as they will have to do some serious house cleaning and make some radical changes in the upcoming off season to even give them a chance to be near the top next year..........And finally, I honestly do not feel like reporting on the sickness known as 'Kardashian' for just the thought of these freaks, skanks, and misfits that continue to pollute the minds of so many gullible and stupid people out there makes me puke.  I honestly still cannot even fathom as to WHY so many Americans are so wrapped around the lives of these freaks rather than concentrate on what they should be paying attention to which is the state of America itself?  Hopefully the day will still come when these skanks are out of our lives forever, and I will say then good riddance....More to comeNTS