Happy Thanksgiving To My American Readers

I want to wish all of my American readers and supports a most happy Thanksgiving....And in spite of the shit storm that America is facing right now, and with economic collapse right at its doorstep, there is still plenty to be thankful for.....I for one, as a Canadian, have NO qualms or hatred of the American people... I am and have always been after criminals, including those criminals that are right now in charge of our governments on both sides of our  border.... I have always had great relations with so many people living in the United States, and have always found most Americans quite rational, friendly, and helpful to others in all situations..... The issue has always been the fact that most Americans are in the dark in terms of what is really happening around the world, and that is why I have been trying my utmost through this blog to bring them the real facts in the hope that the American people can wake up and put an end to the madness...Yes, my American friends, there is still so much to be thankful for... We should be thankful for our families, and friends, and hope that we will all enjoy and be thankful for what this world has given all of us.... So, enjoy this day and spend time with your families... Just remember that tomorrow is "Black Friday' and the start of the madness of consumerism for this holiday season.....More to comeNTS