Many People Think That It's Likely Trump Had Jeffrey Epstein Murdered

Even in the friendliest of environments-- say the radio show and podcast I do weekly with David Feldman-- people scoff when I express certainty that the Trump Regime had Jeffrey Epstein murdered while he was in federal custody awaiting trial. Just last week, Feldman asked me, with a degree of incredulity if I really believed that Trump had Epstein murdered? I can't believe that anyone rational doesn't!Epstein's brother hired famed forensic pathologist Michael Baden, a former NYC medical examiner, to investigate the death. He came to the conclusion that Epstein probably didn't kill himself as was more likely to have been murdered. The video above is Baden's appearance on Fox & Friends yesterday. He said "I think the evidence points to a homicide rather than a suicide... Because there are three fractures in the hyoid bone, the thyroid cartilage that are very unusual for suicide and more indicative of strangulation-- homicidal strangulation... I’ve never seen in 50 years of investigating all deaths that occur in prisons in New York state never have two guards fall asleep at the same time, while the video doesn’t work."The Miami Herald's Julie K. Brown interviewed Baden as well and he told her that "The autopsy did not support suicide. That’s what [the medical examiner, Barbara Sampson] put down. Then Dr. Sampson changed it a week later to manner of death to suicide. The brother has been trying to find out why that changed…what was the evidence?"

The death of Epstein, 66, launched a series of conspiracy theories, mostly centered on whether Epstein was murdered to keep him from revealing information about the rich and powerful men in his social circle who may have been involved in crimes, including sex trafficking.Sampson, however, ruled out foul play, but her findings did little to quell speculation.The New York City Medical Examiner’s Office said it would shortly release a statement on the issues Baden had raised.Following the autopsy, it was revealed there were major security lapses at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, and two prison officers were suspended and the warden was reassigned.A federal investigation, ordered by U.S. Attorney General William Barr, is ongoing.

Barr, a fanatic protector of Trump's own crime wave, is himself a likely suspect. Unless Epstein was a Mossad agent looking for komprmat on prominent Americans from the very start.