Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahIn precipitating the freeing of ISIS prisoners and their families, President Trump has given the entire world as clear of a picture into his utterly insane mind as he ever has. I've always said that Trump is clearly the president who hates all living things. At no time has this been more evident. Trump is a psychopathic death worshiper. That is a fact that way too many people continue and continue to tiptoe around. Too many people refuse to speak the obvious truth. They call him things like "inept" or "in over his head" as if those were excuses when, in fact, they are cover. He knows exactly what he is doing. Thanks to Trump and those who protect him, innumerable ISIS terrorists are once again free to roam about the world to murder as many people as they possibly can. Trump has willfully and, no doubt gleefully, turned them loose from their cages. You can all but hear the cackling laughter coming from the White House, and not just from the oval office.All murders committed by ISIS in future years, whether abroad or right here in the United States, will be as a result of Donald Trump's psychotic actions in this matter. Make no mistake, Trump owns those future deaths. He, his family, and his team of sickos will be happy to do so. All politicians who continue to not call for and vote for Trump's removal will also own those deaths. The Republicans are so far gone that they don't even see a glimmer of irony in calling themselves a pro-life party. There is extra sadness in the fact that they are proud to protect him, just as Republican voters are proud to have voted for Trump and gotten exactly what they voted for. This is what Republicans are. With Republicans, as you can see by their policies and statements, it's always about causing as much human misery as possible. It isn't just the nutjob at the top.Tough shit if you think I'm being too harsh. The plain, simple fact is, Trump and his henchmen deserve a lot more than just removal. They should be placed in cages for the rest of their lives for the sake of the security of the world. I suggest that we place them into the same cages that were, until recently, used to house the now free ISIS members. Then, one by one or two by two, or whatever, we should place any recaptured ISIS terrorists in the same cages with them. It's horrid enough that we have let crimes against humanity go unpunished before. Let the punishment fit the crime for once. This is my dream, a pipe dream I suppose, but, a dream of justice.Now think of this: Trump and his supporters plot for and cheer for placing innocent children in cages while supporting freedom for terrorists. If you want an en example of what it means to be a psychopath, you needn't look any further. There is no reasoning with such people, not in Washington and not at the upcoming Thanksgiving dinner table. In a properly run society, there is only trial and punishment delivered in accordance with the nature of involvement in the crime against humanity. Or, if leniency is required, humane commitment to asylums belongs in the discussion. And don't go telling me there isn't enough room. We have a private prison system that would love to expand and branch out. Either our society demands accountability or it doesn't. So far, it doesn't. Sad.