Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahHe did it for Putin. Most of what Individual #1 does he does for Putin. The fact that doing so satisfies Individual # 1's psychopathy is something Individual #1 considers a bonus, a perk of being the Manchurian President. In stabbing the Kurds in the back, Individual #1 has done more than that. He has done it in our names. He has stabbed Americans and American ideals in the back.What we don't know and what we may never know is what Putin has on Individual #1. Whatever it is, it's big, very big. That much is painfully obvious. He has handed Russia the Middle East foothold it has wanted for years. His capitulation is not the naivete of a fellow conservative like Neville Chamberlain. It's way beyond that, way more, deliberately treacherous. How far does the Russian influence and infiltration go? It's more than just Rudy's crew and Republican senators being bought and paid for with Russian rubles; rubles that make them sellout their country and look the other way.We all know that if Trump had been in FDR's shoes, he would have shut down the very idea of Social Security, brutally closed the soup kitchens and joined Prescott Bush and Henry Ford in helping Hitler. He would have stabbed our British allies in the back and the island of Great Britain would have been Iwo Jima. He would have even had a Senate Majority Leader named Munich Mitch to help him subvert our way of life. That is Trump's sick Republican dream.