Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahYeah, tonight's meme is just a fantasy and it's a damn good fantasy but Trump in a straitjacket in a padded cell is how it would be in a sane world. It's a fantasy that demands implementation if we are to survive. It's a fantasy that's become more and more urgently appropriate as the weeks and weeks of tedium and horror have piled up on us. Trump's mental deterioration is in plain sight and he displays it proudly, knowing that he has been given carte blanch by a bi-partisan cancer of congressional cowards who don't want to do anything that might disrupt the largess and greed of their K Street gravy train or their political agendas, self-serving, repressive, and otherwise. The only other reasonable fantasy (I have others that some might consider unreasonable even if I think they would be just.) would be to have Trump fitted for an XXXL obese-sized orange day-glo jumpsuit and placed in the same cell that Jeffrey Epstein got. Millions of us have wished for something very much like that. Yet we the people cower and demand nothing of the so-called representatives that smirk at us. They always protect their own. The general populace either doesn't want to or can't bring themselves to admit that the disintegration of Trump's mind is as bad as it is. It is equal to the high tower of sleaze, treachery, and corruption that Trump has built and put his name on.Instead we briskly walk past the graveyard of our own collective minds, whistling as we go. We play with our phones that use more or their brains than we use of ours we and we shamefully shut it out. Future historians will call this period The American Denial, a time when millions of more than fed up citizens should have righteously descended upon Washington and physically dragged Trump from the oval office by his stinking, fake bone-spurred feet and then marched on the Capitol building to apply similar measures to his bi-partisan rabble of accomplices. That action is way overdue. It's the least they deserve. But we've done way too little that we should've done to check the disease that is Washington, DC. so we've are become accomplices to our own demise.Washington is now just a giant volcano of vile viral puss, drowning us all with its number one product. Your move, America.