Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, August 18th, 2019

Sunday, and time again for my weekly rant...I have started the next phase in my continuing long list of renovations to my house this last week, and honestly the work seems never ending.... I finish one project and another one comes up..... I am hoping to have most of this phase completed by the end of September, and take a break from tearing down and rebuilding parts of this house this winter for a change..... All it does mean is that for the next while I will once again be adding articles to this blog rather inconsistently and when I have the chance to sit down and relax....Meanwhile, the strange saga concerning the supposedly "dead" Jeffrey Epstein continues... I will once again state that as far as I can see, that creature is indeed alive and well and now living the good life out in that sicko state of Israel where there are NO extradition laws for any of the Jewish freaks that escape real justice and fly there.... The Jews do indeed protect their own, and they do not care if any of their tribe members may be pedophile monsters.....And of course we have that article I posted up last week showing a grotesque "portrait" of former President William Jefferson Bligh (Clinton) dressed in a blue dress and red high heels.... I am really shocked that more people do not even see how that shows the tremendous sickness of the "elite" and how they knowingly flaunt that sickness in the open and do not give a damn that anyone actually sees their mental retardation.... They know that they are in control and are laughing in all of our faces!.... I for one truly had hoped that the portrait revelation would have more Americans realizing how truly evil and warped the entire Clinton crime family really is... But apparently even that portrait has become an 'after thought' that very few people have even noticed, while others simply do not even give a damn.. One quick note here... People wonder why I call Bill Clinton by the last name of "Bligh"... Well, here is a reality check, for the "Clintons" actually changed their last names from Bligh to Clinton several generations back, and therefore "Bligh" is their REAL original last name.... It does make one wonder what the outcome of the 1992 Presidential election would have been if people had the name of "Bligh" on the ballots rather than "Clinton"?   Considering the long association between the name "Bligh" and the infamous HMS "Bounty" captain's name and his appalling leadership that led to the  subsequent "mutiny" of the late 18th century, and you can easily understand why the family had decided to change their last name of "Bligh" to "Clinton"!   It is much the same reasoning as to why present President Donald Drumpf's family changed their last name of "Drumpf" almost a century ago to the Americanized "Trump" that we see today!  I however am not fooled and will continue to call these criminals by their REAL last names....And then we have the most interesting photos over at Jim Stone's website at, where aerial photos of sicko Epstein's mansion on that "private island" in the Caribbean shows bedrooms with beds with plastic covers that are soaked with blood stains!   I have looked at the photos and all I can do is shake my head once again in total disgust.. .And yes, those photos have not been "photoshopped" or "doctored", which means the blood is very real.... The bigger question should be "where does that blood come from?" and the obvious answer is from the underaged victims of Epstein's 'guests' that committed horrific atrocities against underaged children.... I need not gross people out here about my thoughts about where the blood comes from, but needless to say many underaged girls were absolutely abused at that "mansion" and the blood is the result of that abuse!My other thoughts about Epstein, and his entourage of sicko freaks that used his "services" is this:  These maniacs and "elites" that went to Epstein to abuse so many victims should all be hunted down and either put into jail for the rest of their lives, or outright hung until they are dead... NO punishment is good enough for these monsters..... But sadly with these freaks in control now, and still running our governments, our corporations, and of course our media, they know that they are in control and will be 'above the law' and never have to face prosecution for participating in Epstein's sicko world.... This is the horrible state of affairs in our world today, and sadly the general public is too much like mindless sheep now to actually take action.....Their sick perversions will continue until we take action and have them removed from our lives...I have finally turned my attention back to the war in Syria, where the good guys aka the SAA and their  Russian allies have finally said "screw you" to any more talks about "ceasefires" in their battle against the US/Israel/NATO run "terrorists" that have continued to operate in the Idlib pocket... The SAA rightfully launched their major offensive this last week to begin "reducing" and eventually eliminating that pocket once and for all..... But as I stated yesterday, the advance of the SAA has been painfully slow and has been concentrated on the southern most part of the pocket in and around the key city of Khan Shaykhun... The elite "Tiger force" of the SAA has been making some major headway north of that key city with the aim being to put themselves on the key M5 motorway north of Khan Shaykhun to cut off one of the major escape routes for the "rebels" if they decide to try to escape encirclement to the south..... I honestly do hope for the SAA to be successful in this endeavour, and once that key city is secured, they should move as rapidly as possible up the M5 towards the city of Saraqib where the M4 and M5 motorways intersect.... Seizing Saraqib is in fact the key to the entire Idlib pocket, for if the SAA is able to seize that key city, both transportation and communication for the "rebels" in the pocket will be cut off between north and south and the entire pocket could collapse rapidly.... But again, that seizure could take a lot of time as the SAA advance has been hampered by not only stiffening resistance but against terrain that helps the rebel's defence...While the SAA and Russians have concentrating now on the elimination of the Idlib pocket, elsewhere in Syria things have stayed relatively quiet... There has been some "talk" supposedly between the Turks and the Americans about creating a "safe zone" in the SDF occupied north of Syria, but as my fellow Canadian, Penny, has speculated, those "talks" have been only hearsay and are not even a reality.... I am siding with Penny on this one, for with Turkey and the US now at loggerheads and any "alliance" between the two basically no more, all of this news coming from the Jew spew media about these 'talks' is pure bullshit......Turkey absolutely does not want to "talk", for the Turks are wanting to subdue and crush the Kurds and prevent the US from turning the north of Syria into some type of "Kurdish state".....The Turks are well aware that the US has been using "stalling tactics" in regards to northern Syria, as the criminal Americans have been using the respite thanks to these "stalls" to further strengthen their position in that occupied territory....  IMHO, the Turks should refuse any more "stalling tactics" and take action against the American run YPG/PKK "Kurds" that have made the lives of the Syrian people in that occupied zone a living hell....Once Turkey does take decisive action, then the eventual outcome should be to allow a reconciliation with the Damascus government and have that area RIGHTFULLY returned to Syrian control.... The Americans have NO business at all in northeastern Syria as they have illegally seized and occupied that territory against international law, and it may be up to the Turks themselves to put an end to that occupation..I did notice a few days ago a most interesting article was posted over at the Global Research website at, where the author, Professor Michel Chossudovsky, wrote a very long article concerning an examination and review of the evidence concerning the downing of Malaysian flight MH17, which of course occurred just over 5 years ago on July 17th, 2014, while enrolee to Malaysia from the Netherlands, while flying over the Ukraine..... I actually took the time yesterday to pour over the facts presented in that article, and even though they are pretty good and sound, Professor Chossudovsky does NOT even consider the evidence that Malaysian flight MH17 was in fact the last flight of the long missing MH370 that was hijacked and flown to the US military base at Diego Garcia back in late March, 2014..... Professor Chossudovsky does go into a lot of detail about what actually downed the aircraft and supports the strong evidence that the plane was shot down by a Ukrainian fighter jet, due to the lack of positive evidence that was reported in so many Jew spew media outlets that it was shot down by a Ukrainian BUK missile battery..... BUT I am astounded that Professor Chossudovsky has ignored all of the eyewitnesses that were first on the scene at the MH17 crash site, where they reported that when they pulled the bodies from the wreckage many stated clearly that the bodies appeared to have been long dead and many in severe state of decomposition and therefore had died PRIOR to MH17's ill fated flight out of Amsterdam..... And he missed the evidence from the windows  and markings on the aircraft itself that show that it could not possibly even be the supposed Boeing 777-ER that was supposed to be MH17 at all!.... I found it quite strange that the facts that MH17 was in all actuality the long missing MH370 aircraft, that had been loaded up and flown robotically via remote control over Ukraine and then purposely shot down by Ukrainian military aircraft to not only finally get rid of all of the evidence from MH370's "disappearance" but also to blame Russia for the attack...  The article is therefore pretty good, but does miss the most important piece of the puzzle, and what actually solves the riddle of MH17:  MH17=MH370!Someone asked me the other day about my opinion about the US "stock market" and how over the last week, it went through a severe "roller coaster" where it fell by nearly 1000 points mid week, and then suddenly "recovered" by the end of the week's closings.... I have long said that the US stock market is and always has been a fraud, where the numbers are always "manipulated", most times on purpose... The stock market does NOT even reflect correctly the actual shape of the American economy at all, which is most troubling... The DJIA is severely manipulated on a nearly daily basis, where algorithms run by what is called a "plunge protection team" purposely work on a constant round the clock basis to make sure the market values "look great" just to create the illusion that all is right with America's economic outlook... .Sadly there are so many numb skulls out there that do play the casino game and many are now in danger of losing big time as their investments are losing money badly.... Therefore I do not even bother with the bullshit of the American DJIA at a record level, for I know that it is nothing but pure bullshit to sell to ignorant fools that "all is well" in terms of the American economy, when the reality is so far different...I have not filed a report on the situation in Hong Kong at all, at least until now.... And lets be honest here, for the protestors that are fighting for "democracy" in that Chinese controlled "mini state" are being run and financed by the US itself.... And I was not in any shock at all when I found out that the American government was indeed the ones behind this unrest, for the facts have always been that the US is presently trying anything they can to isolate China and to force the Chinese to bend to their will... Short of actual war with China, which would be a disaster for the US, they are instead financing their agents in places such as Hong Kong to cause "civil unrest" and create havoc for the Chinese government.... And we must not forget that America is presently embroiled in an almost never ending "trade war" with China, where they are not getting the upper hand against the Chinese in a "war" that they cannot win, for they know that they need China to continue to produce their cheap products for the American market as well as having China continue to absorb so much American debt in return... Therefore it does make sense that since America is not winning in the economic war, that they would resort to this "Hong Kong" trick to try to get the Chinese to bend.... Sadly, there are indeed millions of lives in that Hong Kong enclave that are at risk as the Chinese are indeed nearing the end of their patience with the Hong Kong government and may indeed send in the military to crack down on any possible "democratic" uprising....  So do NOT be fooled by the bullshit that this is a fight for "democracy", for knowing that the US is behind the entire fiasco should have people realizing that there is something diabolically afoot here..Honestly, is everyone as sick as I am of that LBGTQP-EIEIO-GOFUCKTHEMSELVES bullshit that continues to permeate our "news" on a daily basis?   I will not pull any punches here, as I will never bend to the idea that I should somehow support those freaks and their efforts what what they claim stupidly is "equality"..... These freaks have been pushing their twisted and sick agenda everywhere, and especially in our education system where they are forcing educators and teachers to allow their sick perverse ideals on young children..... That to me has been bad enough, but now these perverts and sickos have had the nerve to actually 'celebrate' the sicko perversion of pedophilia, and want to have that ultimate perversion against children associated with their title by adding a "P" to the LBGTQ title and have pedophilia somehow classified as being "normal"!  Yes, this sickness has gone far enough, and it is time for people to take a hard stand and push back against these freaks..... That time for good and wholesome people to stand up and be proud to be heterosexuals and therefore NORMAL is NOW!I got a most sick and interesting comment sent last week, where a member of the most ignorant and stupid "flat earth" group of retards once again challenged me on my stand against flat earth stupidity..His comment was a real laugher, where he said "NTS, could you please explain then how we live on a ball earth spinning at some 1000 mph, and thus have water stick to that spinning ball?:.  My answer is of course GRAVITY and of course INERTIA, which are two fundamental laws of physics that those numbskulls have no clue of or even an understanding... I have long said that the flat earth retards have allowed their own common sense to escape them and that they should go back to school and get a real education.... This planet is absolutely NOT flat, period, end of story.....  I have long turned off the ignorance and stupidity of these idiots and again must warn them that if they even attempt to push their stupidity my way, they are wasting their time.....Well, I guess thats enough of pissing off the LBGTQP freaks and flat earth retards out there for now.... I always leave a lot on the table and hopefully give my two cents worth right here in my usual closing "last minute tidbits"..... North Korea tests another missile this last week, and the Jew spew media is all aflutter.  Honestly, so what?  The North Koreans are no fools and they realize their missiles and nukes are necessary against American led aggression.  I say good for the North Koreans for not surrendering to American demands........Interesting report came out last week where apparently the Russians have offered their assistance in coming up with a deal to end the rising tension in the Persian Gulf that would allow international forces to monitor tankers and other ships that transverse that important waterway.  But of course the US/Israel cabal of evil will dismiss this Russian attempt for real peace as they only want a war and to see Iran destroyed in the process...... Interesting that the Jew spew media is once again downplaying the Houthis fantastically successful drone strike on that Saudi oil field the other day.  Obviously the Saudis are stuck now in having no defence against this Houthi breakthrough, and will instead try to continue their unsuccessful war in Yemen.  I for one do hope the Houthis continue their attacks and make the criminal Saudis' lives miserable.  Saudi Arabia has lost the war in Yemen now, and I do wonder what they will try to do now to 'save face' rather than admit defeat........Well, criminal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has yet to even say he is sorry for his involvement in the SNC Lavalin fiasco, in spite of the hard evidence now that he did indeed commit a  crime against the Canadian people.  I do hope the Canadian people now see the true nature of this prick and throw his sorry ass out of office with this October's federal election!........More reports about new UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, further delaying any actions on the stalled 'Brexit" bullshit.   And apparently, according to a pretty good article from Lasha Darkmoon, if the UK now leaves the criminal Rothschild controlled European Union, Johnson will sell his soul to the devil and basically hand the entire UK over to American interests as part of a one sided US controlled 'trade deal'.   So now, either way the UK decides on the bullshit of "Brexit", the people of the UK are truly fucked!...... That psycho state of Israel is at it again, with yet another phoney "rocket attack" just the other day  that they claimed once again was launched by Palestinian "terrorists" (Mossad agents) from the world's largest open air concentration camp called the Gaza Strip.  Apparently the Jew freaks are now ready to plaster Gaza again and kill thousands in the process.  Meanwhile, the world will once again stand by and do basically nothing to stop this impending atrocity.........I have indeed been watching the "election process" up here in Canada with the vote coming in October.  But I am troubled that a very important and key issue, the one about the continuing flood of illegal migrants into this nation, has not been addressed by ANY parties.  To me, this is one of the most important issues, as the government that hopefully replaces the horrendous Justin Trudeau will close our borders to those sewer rats and send those who cannot assimilate into Canadian culture back to the shit holes they originated from..........Interesting that there is no new news coming out of Fukushima, especially when you consider that disaster is alive and well and still out of control.  And few are actually discussing the horror of next year's Tokyo 2020 Summer games, where athletes will be exposed to a lifetime of radiation in under two weeks of participation at those games.  I stand firm in stating that the Tokyo Olympics should be rightfully called the "Radioactive Games" and I challenge anyone to change my stance.......Apparently the rumours are true in that the sicko freak Taylor Swift, whom I have always thought as being one mean spirited demented bitch (hey, prove me wrong here?), has indeed decided to join the liberal madness of the American Democrats last week.  Honestly, considering how truly sick and mentally retarded a lot of those 'liberals' have become, Swift will be right at home with those freaks.....Arsenal won another game yesterday against Burnley, in a match that I was still unable to watch unless I am willing to fork over a few hundred bucks to a criminal "pay per view" site.   Good for the Gunners though, but with two victories over weaker opposition it will be interesting to see over the coming weeks when they have to play elite squads such as Liverpool or Manchester City......And finally, in the twisted and sick world of Kardashian, apparently skank #1, Kim, has admitted that she got her start through another skank Paris Hilton and would do anything for Paris in return.  Yes, one skank started another skank on the road to destroying the minds of Americans.   And people still wonder why I say America is truly fucked up?More to comeNTS