Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahMoscow Mitch, inside man. He sees red, Russian red. Yeah, he's angry about being exposed but he's Republican and Moscow all the way. With everything else going on in this country, it's important not to lose sight of how deep the Russian infiltration, corruption and cooption of our government has gone. Hence tonight's meme.Moscow Mitch has Steven Law (Ironic name), his former Chief Of Staff, running an "independent" Super PAC called The Senate Leadership Fund that has received over $4,000,000 in Russian oligarch Len Blavatnik's Russian oil rubles. McConnell distributed some of the oily money to his fellow travelers on the Russo-Repbulcan side of the $enate aisle and, as if by magic, our sanctions on Putin's Russia were lifted as soon as Moscow Mitch brought the subject of the sanctions up for vote on the $enate floor. Now, that's what I call leadership! Russian leadership. Russian leadership of the United States $enate. Or, if you will, leadership by lackey; the lackey being of course, key Russian lackey Moscow Mitch McConnell. See, McConnell can get things to a vote when he wants to. He just needs the "proper" incentive to reach his bank accounts. Can a free villa on the Crimea be in Moscow Mitch's near future?I know there's a talking point out there being pushed by Republicans and conservaDems that says we shouldn't pay any attention to what's going on behind this curtain. They whine that Congress has more important things to do than expose treason. They say investigating Russia and what they're up to behind the closed doors of Washington takes away time from legislating things the American people need. Such useful idiots of Russia play right into McConnell's hopes for a Red November 2020. Those who push the talking point want us to ignore the fact that the House Of Representatives has been plenty busy writing and passing legislation. For instance, 9 bills written to help veterans alone. Of course, Moscow Mitch's Repug-controlled $enate ignores the House's bills when they land on his desk, so maybe the House democrats could try bribing Mitch and his cohorts like the Russians do, but, they'd have to brush up on their fake Russian accents and disguises first. Although... maybe Moscow Mitch has such a love for Mother Russia that he'd do whatever they asked for free.