West’s Relations with the White Helmets have gone Stale

At long last, Western sponsors of the so-called “humanitarian group” White Helmets have woken up to the fact that their love affair with these pseudo-humanitarians is more damaging than beneficial, which in turn has invoked a number of problems.
The White Helmets which have been exposed as a propaganda operation launched by Washington and London to feed the international community fake videos depicting false-flag chemicals attack in Eastern Ghouta started experiencing its first difficulties last year when the White House decided to stop sponsoring them. For sure, their activities have been beneficial for the US as it provided Washington with a pretext to attack Syria, but then Washington has never had much concern over the well-being of its minions once they are no longer useful.
Even though US President Donald Trump would have a change of heart in mid-summer 2018, ordering the US State Department and US Agency for International Development (USAID) to allocate another 6.6 million dollars to sponsor their activities, at this point nobody doubts the provocative and untruthful nature of the reports released by the White Helmets.
A well-known British journalist, Vanessa Beeley has already exposed the ties between British intelligence and the White Helmets and through them, to the Jabhat Al-Nusra terrorist group. According to her revelations, the White Helmets branch in Eastern Aleppo was established by Abdulaziz Maghribi, who previously headed a local Al-Nusra-affiliated militant group. Further still, this individual had also been an armed member of the Turkish-backed Al Tawhid brigade which invaded East Aleppo in 2012
The ever growing awareness of the Western public about the deceptive nature of the White Helmets and their activities has rendered them useless in any future anti-Russian or anti-Syrian provocations. Therefore, Washington had to make some sort of decision about their future, musing over the possibility of turning them into a purely British local propaganda vehicle, as the group was created back in 2013 by a retired British serviceman, the head of the Mayday Rescue Foundation NGO – James Le Mesure, or scrap this project altogether. Under these circumstances it became clear even for Washington that it had to find much more credible partners on the ground to carry on its agenda.
As the number of Syrian towns under control of pro-Western jihadi fighters has been dwindling steadily, Jordan’s intelligence agencies in cooperation with Mossad launched a withdrawal operation, transporting a total of 98 White Helmets activists together with their family members to Jordan from southwestern Syria, on July 22, 2018. Some publications claim that they’ve evacuated 422 people, while others state that there was over 800 people transported in total. Initially, it was planned that those so-called activists would dwell for some time at the Muwaffaq Salti Air Base before heading to a number of western countries.
Initially, it was announced that the resettlement of the White Helmets wouldn’t take more than 3-4 weeks, with the UK, France, Canada, and Germany claiming that they would be delighted to become a new home for those “brave souls”, but it’s been over a year now. No more than 300 out of the initial 800 have found their new homes, as reported by Reuters, but now the process of resettlement has come to a screeching halt.
In particular, as it’s been reported by Canadian media sources, there’s still White Helmets members dwelling with their family members in Jordan’s Azraq refugee camp, including those that were supposed to be moved to Canada. In total, there’s over 42 people that have been waiting for resettlement to Canada for almost a year now. However, after an initial security check, including an “interview” conducted at the camp, Ottawa realized that it had no intention of providing asylum to the much-touted “human rights champions,” seeking a pretext to send them some place else instead. The situation is becoming even more peculiar due to the fact that Amman gave permission to these individuals to enter Jordanian territory, but didn’t say a word about their right for permanent residence. Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau hopes that the Nazi-ridden Ukraine would develop a taste for hosting pro-Western “human rights activists,” after all the newly elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to pay his dues after the warm welcome he received in Ottawa, and Canada making a promise to deliver its old armored vehicles to Ukraine.
As for Canada itself, in spite of its relatively relaxed migration legislation, it’s in no hurry to grant refuge to representatives of the White Helmets stuck in Jordan. It is equally reluctant to grant entry permission to those Canadians who were fighting against the legitimate Syrian government in the ranks of ISIS together with their family members. In total, the latter group consists of 32 individuals (6 men, 9 women and 17 children). According to information leaked to the media, Canadian intelligence agencies are currently collecting evidence to identify the role they might have played in the commitment of various war crimes.
In general, as Canadian observers note, the flow of Syrian refugees to Canada has been put on halt once Ottawa faced a number of difficulties with their integration into local society. After all, Trudeau couldn’t care less about Syrian refugees, since they were only beneficial to him during the initial years of his stay in power, when he could score a number of political points talking about them. It is obvious that Western governments have no stomach for hosting individuals they have praised as heroes, since such a move could result in a spike of xenophobic moods and wide-spread panic over the possibility of terrorist attacks. And besides, the White Helmets have already played their propaganda role, so they are no longer needed.
Jean Périer is an independent researcher and analyst and a renowned expert on the Near and Middle East, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”