Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhich is worse? "Illegal" immigrants, or immigrants who marry a gooey sugar daddy and deliver poisonous anchor babies? Ordinarily, I don't cast aspersions upon the spawn of politicians, but when it comes to Donald Trump's fetid Nazi offspring, all bets are off, as well they should be. And, no, I don't cut them any slack if daddy is a total head case.I was inspired to go with the above meme tonight when I read that Eric Trump (the one in the shiny pink molded plastic clip-on tie) got his knickers in a twist because a waitress spat on him in a Chicago restaurant.His reaction was a common right wing nutball response to those who lash out in a tit for tat reaction. He's lucky it didn't come with a brass knuckle sandwich. Here's what he said-

For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility. When somebody is sick enough to resort to spitting on someone, it just emphasizes a sickness and desperation and the fact that we're winning.

Yeah. He said winning. What's important to cretins like Eric Trump is that his winning means others are losing and the more that lose the better. To the Trumps as with anyone with an IQ of 75 or lower, it's a "Me win, you lose, ha ha" world. And now, an open letter (restrained version) to Eric Trump-

Dear Eric,Listen up, twit! You gave up any right to being treated with civility when you chose to be what you are. You've dedicated your life to the spread of human misery and you think people should respect you? I know you lack the intellect to understand this but when you back people into a corner and take away their voice and even their rights as human beings, you shouldn't act so all surprised when they find another way to express their desperation and righteous grievance. Shame on the restaurant if they didn't also spit in your food. Hell, I'd add something from the litter box to it. Next time, just order up some Burger King like your dad, with some fries, too, hopefully fried up in some nice, righteous kitchen help spit. If it was up to me and I worked at that restaurant, I'd also pelt you with whatever I could find in the garbage dumpster out back and then tie you up and toss you in, or maybe one of I.C.E.'s cages would better fit the crime? To show you what a fair and nice guy I am, I'll even give you the choice. On second thought, that would be too tolerant. So, wait 'til we start burning your whole damn dirtbag family and all of your evil friends in effigy. In a just world, you should be strung up by your thumbs like your idol Benito Mussolini. Maybe the crowd could pelt you with spit-filled balloon bombs. You're entitled to a trial first, of course. I know you don't believe in due process for others but, unlike you, some of us still believe in American ideals enough to give you your trial. We'd love to see that anyway, watching you squirm and whine that you don't deserve to be put on trial and that you shouldn't be treated so badly because you're white, your daddy is president, you're an entitled rich fuck and, most importantly to you, you're a Trump. By the way, that face of yours? I've seen more attractive faces on grubs under a decaying, turned over log. Picture that in your dreams tonight, Eric. That's what karma has in store for you in your next life. You're getting off easy, for now, real easy. Emphasis for now.