Remember When Kidnapping Was Punishable By Death?

by NoahThe saddest, most horrific and sadistic thing about how Trump and his I.C.E. Gestapo are treating the children they've torn form their families and kidnapped is that they've done it in the first place. They did it to refugee families who ran from certain death and legally presented themselves at our border for asylum. Then kids were taken and deliberately mislabeled as illegal, for propaganda purposes. Trump and his Gestapo lie about it all. They laugh about it. They hope to do more and more of it, egged on by White House staff such as white supremacist Stephen Miller. We're getting more details now and it has become obvious that they wouldn't feel at all guilty if more of the children just plain die. Trump's supporters cheer that sort of thing at their rallies.We now hear what we always suspected or only had inklings of: The kids sleep on concrete floors with aluminum blankets. They are crammed into cages (The El Paso facility, for one instance, is designed for 125 "prisoners"but, as of this writing is holding 800 stolen children) in such awful numbers that they have to take turns standing on the toilets just to get enough air so that they can go on living. There's no soap, no toothpaste, and no toothbrushes needed diapers, and what food there is is devoid of the nourishment that children need to have if they are to grow, but that's the point of instituting the deprivations of course. This is the stuff of dungeons. Trump Administration lawyer, Sarah Fabian (DOJ), even dismissively said in court that there was nothing "legally" wrong with the unsafe and unsanitary, life-threatening conditions the kidnapped children are being kept in. In fact, that is against the legal policy, if the children are imprisoned for more than 72 hours. That's the way it used to work and was designed to work, going back 22 years now. But notice that with Fabian and those she fronts for, the concepts of human decency and morality never enter into it but I guess that's why she got the job of presenting the Trump Administration's case.We can, like Trump, point to the House and Senate not granting still more money to throw at the crisis but it is Trump and his white supremacy, xenophobic attitudes that have caused this crisis by deliberately overburdening existing systems. They saw some opportunities that fit their agendas That's a big part of what this sadistic game is to Trump, his republican Gestapo, and their followers. It's enough to put a smile on any republican's fat, ugly face. How many more of these kidnapped children have died that we haven't heard about? We've heard about rapes, too. How many more of those that we'll never hear about? Would you be shocked if pictures are privately couriered out to despicable, detestable scum like Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Tucker Carlson, Kellyanne, the Huckabees... and key Republican donors, for their own personal gratifications? When people dedicate their lives to spreading as much human misery with their laws and their propaganda as they can, it's easy to imagine them sitting at home at night with a glass of wine and a fresh packet of pictures of the day's goings on in the dungeons. Can you see Don Jr. and Eric joking with Stephen Miller at dinner about building giant roach motels ("They check in but they can't check out, Heh, heh!") for the little brown children? I can. Any open, honest, and reasonable person can.These children are, by now, permanently damaged, mentally as well as physically. How many will one day soon become terrorists seeking some diabolical revenge upon this country that makes today's world look like Pleasantville by comparison? If any decent and sane government found the children of American parents living in their homes in the conditions of squalor Trump has willfully and sadistically chosen to place these children in, that city, county, or state government would have taken them away from their parents weeks or months ago. Ironic, isn't it?This horror continues to exist because those in charge A) get off on it, B) are fattening their off shore bank accounts from it, or, C) most likely, both. Think about it: As the meme above shows, for the same amount of money we, as taxpayers, are spending to maintain this horror, Trump and his Gestapo could be housing each child in a comfortable, to say the least, $775 per night hotel room (Not in a Trump hotel though. Certainly not!). But I suppose republicans would loudly bellyache about that being some kind of socialism. No, better that socialism go to your friends and fellow fiends that can enjoy torturing people for fun and profit in their for profit prison facilities. That's kind of a big part of the Republican Party platform anyway.After, World War II, many "good" Germans claimed to have not known what was going on right on the outskirts of their own towns. Now in 2019, none of us have that excuse, as implausible as it was back then. What's our excuse? We have our TVs and our social media but we use those things to watch mindless idiocy like the Kardashians, moronic shows like Naked and Afraid, and cats that can play the piano, instead of, at the least, demonstrating in the streets with our neighbors against people who are the worst mankind has to offer.What is going on in our names, with our money, should be cause for impeachment and conviction and removal from office all by itself. Kidnapping is supposed to be a capital crime, not a capitol crime. We don't need the treason, the corruption, the obstruction, the lies, and everything else. "High Crimes And Misdemeanors" are what we the people say they are but only if we speak loudly enough and hold a big enough axe over the heads of our so-called leaders. We can start by burning down the phone lines in Washington from overuse, finding the local offices of our so-called representatives and acting accordingly, and shouting down the Trumps, Grahams, McConnells, Nadlers, Seans, and Nancys, shouting louder than such old, fat, and useless asswipes could ever do. Until then, this country will deserve whatever terrorism those children have in mind for us. It's coming.A first hand report, via PBS, can be seen in the following clip: