BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 3, 2013

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““The mistake you make, don’t you see,is in thinking one can live in a corrupt society without being corrupt oneself. After all, what do you achieve by refusing to make money? You’re trying to behave as though one could stand right outside our economic system. But one can’t. One’s got to change the system, or one changes nothing. One can’t put things right in a hole-and-corner way, if you take my meaning.” –George Orwell

International Newsworthy

The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


US Boosts Training for Syria Militants

CIA’s Special Activities Division Ramping Up Covert Paramilitary Training Program for Rebels

Kurdish Leader Denies Syrian Kurds Seek Secession

Turkey Mulls Military Mandate on Syria

In Europe, Young Muslims Head to Syria to Fight

Lost Cruise Fears Save Obama on Syria

Syria Alawite Region Sees ‘Massacres’ by Rebels

ISIS Leader, Deputy Killed in Syria

The Wave from Syria: Flow of Refugees Destabilizes Lebanon

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Iranian Cyber Warfare Commander Shot Dead in Suspected Assassination

Israel ‘Angry’ With New Iran-West Logic: Rouhani

Rouhani’s Moderation Welcomed by Sistani, Iraqi Clerics

Pragmatic Rouhani Senses Limited Options

‘Iran Won’t Accept Demands Outside NPT’

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UN: More Civilian Casualties So Far This Year Than Last

Afghan Salafi Leader Announces Presidential Bid

Imran Khan: Pakistan Must Talk to Taliban to Achieve Peace

Pakistan Govt Still Keen on Taliban Peace Talks Despite Attacks

Pakistani Taliban Insists US Drone Attacks Must Stop Before Talks

Suburban Detention for Pervez Musharraf

Court Allows Extra Security for Zardari Due to Life Threats

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Amnesty Cites Turkey’s ‘Massive’ Rights Crimes at Gezi Park

Militants Shoot Down Military Helicopter in Northern Iraq

Foreign Minister Criticizes Hezbollah, Iran Roles in Yemen

Lebanon’s Last Line of Defense

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Unanswered Questions Surround Kenya Mall Attack

Russian Embassy in Libya Comes Under Fire, Attack Repelled

Tripoli Embassy Attack Sparked after Libyan Officer Killed by Russian Woman – FM  

Russia Evacuates Diplomats from Libya

Can Gulf Money Save Egypt’s Economy?

No to ‘Extension of Colonialism’: Gambia Quits Commonwealth

Sudan: Opposition Leader Warns of Civil War, Calls on Bashir to Step Down

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Triumvirate: U.S., NATO, EU Blast Russia over South Caucasus

Russia’s Putin Says will Never “Give Up” Arctic

Rosneft Starts Planned Maintenance Works at Saratov Refinery

U.S. Senator: Montenegro Next NATO Member “No. 1″

UK MPs Urge Police to Ban EDL March

Canada Denies Reports of Spy Devices Found in Military Complex

National Newsworthy

NSA Hiring Civil Liberties Watchdog

Tech Firms Pledge to Keep Fighting NSA Secrecy

Purse-Snatching Led to Legal Justification for NSA Domestic Spying

Judge Unseals Documents Making It Possible for Lavabit Owner to Speak About FBI’s Pursuit of Snowden

Democrats Split Sharply on NSA Call-Tracking Program

Ex-NSA/CIA Chief Hayden Jokes of Putting Snowden on Kill List 

Snowden E-Mail Provider Defied FBI Demands to Turn over CryptoKeys

Germany Asks US Why NSA Critic Was Denied Entry

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US Cyber Command: Documents Reveal Pentagon Launching Covert Cyber Attacks

Pentagon to Award Contracts During Shutdown, Won’t Announce Them

Marine Corps: Whistleblower Could Be Potential Navy Yard-Like Shooter

FBI Takes Down Silk Road, Was the NSA Involved?

U.S. Government’s Secret Documents Filled with Classification Errors

Lawyers Ask Officials to Lift Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s ‘Overly Harsh’ Conditions

Girlfriend of Alleged Tsarnaev Accomplice Arrested in Florida

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Chief DHS Privacy Officer: Government Called Privacy Office “Terrorists”

Massive Spending on “War on Drugs” has Failed to Curb Supply

Marijuana Heating Up as Midterm Election Issue

California Governor Signs Ban on NDAA Detentions

Treasury Dept. Warns: Default Has Potential to be ‘Catastrophic’

No Shutdown for K Street as Advocates Blitz Capitol

Obamacare Phones Offered to Health Insurance Buyers

Citizens United Making Hillary Movie

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US Economy is just One Giant Hedge Fund

Enabled by ZIRP and QE, Banksters Continue Looting Instead of Building Capital

Outer Limits of Monetary Policy and Inflation

Non-Manufacturing ISM Tumbles, Worst Print Since June, Employment Index Has Biggest Drop Since 2009

Social Security “Lock Box” Revisited (and its Relation to the Government Shutdown)

Noteworthy Editorials

Paul Craig Roberts: The Real Crisis Is Not the Government Shutdown

Peter Dale Scott: The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11

Andrew Napolitano: When Government Looks for Witches

Washington’s Blog: Government Shutdown Not Slowing Down Warmongers

Sheldon Richman: Can Iran Trust the United States?

Stephen Lendman: Putin Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

The Police State of America

The Dangers of an All-Powerful Federal Reserve

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- Who Is Marc Grossman?

Video 1: RT-Syria is NOT a Civil War, It is a Foreign Intervention

Video 2: Ben Swann-Truth in Media

BFP Podcast 1: Peter B. Collins Processing Distortion: “How “Anti-Terror” Police State Systems Were Used to Roll Up Occupy”

BFP Podcast 2- De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez “Free Barrett Brown on Militarized Internet & Journalism is Now a Crime!”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report- The Geneva Business Insider with David Smith

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins- Doomed to Repeat History?

Podcast 3: Traces of Reality- Laurette Lynn on Shutdown Threats, “Anarchists” in the Congress & Home Education


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